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Vocal Therapy Offers A Non-Surgical Method of Feminizing the Voice That Works

Carolyn Marie

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thank you - I've tried hard to change my voice but to no avail yet I don't have a deep voice.

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Speech therapy/voice therapy has been around for a while. The issue is manipulation of the larynx, and moving the sounds forward into the upper airway. This change the vibration and resonance. With training, one can elevate their pitch. It takes a great deal of practice. I went through a year and a half of speech therapy, and still opted for the Wendler's glottoplasty. Honestly, I would have been happier if I could have built a time machine, went back to when I was a pre-pubertal kid, and taken HRT to keep my voice from changing. The kids who can still transition and go through the puberty they want, have a huge advantage. Unfortunately, a certain party wants to make life miserable for all transgender individuals regardless of age.

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  • 1 month later...

this is the way I have chosen because it allows me to keep my deep masculine voice so that I can easily troll people online or in person.

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    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I both give and take.  But I often warn people that my advice may be worth what they paid for it...
    • Samantha Rose
      I hope so too, because I can REALLY use the help, LOL.  
    • Betty K
      You’re welcome. I hope TransPulse helps you as it has helped me. 
    • Samantha Rose
      It sounds like we share a lot of the same experiences and preferences.  It is nice to be in a place where I can meet more People like me.  Thank You for taking the time to share Your thoughts with a Newbie.
    • Betty K
      You’re welcome. Growing up in the 70s and 80s with a healthy dose of unrecognised, suppressed dysphoria and a severe degree of bullying and stigmatisation within my family attached to my gender nonconformism, I also am frequently amazed at how far we’ve come. Just to be able to walk down a city street in broad daylight without being harassed feels like luxury to me even now. Unfortunately I feel, when it comes to sexuality, we have an especially long way to go. As a transfemme who is exclusively attracted to men, I am painfully aware of the amount of shame most men attach to being attracted to someone like me. It takes an effort not to let that shame rub off on me, but I’m trying.
    • AllieJ
      In regards to dysphoria, I doubt many people or trans care professionals really understand it. For most of my life I suffered with dysphoria, even when nobody around me kew I was trans. When I was young I tried to understand why I had compulsions to engage in feminine things, and through puberty I realised that my internal view of myself was at odds with my birth sex. I realised then it was this incongruence which resulted in my dysphoria, but in 1967, there was no terminology for any of this. Through my teens I learned that affirming activities reduced my dysphoria, and this gave me a strategy to manage my life.   I came out at age 65 and was universally accepted and supported, but this did nothing to alleviate my dysphoria, which was very strong by then. Starting HRT and living full time made a significant difference, but when my HRT failed me (inexperienced endo), my dysphoria increased. I was surprised by how much my dysphoria was reduced after my GCS. Almost gone. I realised then that my genitals were my biggest trigger for dysphoria.   I struggled to find a descriptor much of my early life, and as I learned, it changed. Then I realised I never fit neatly into boxes, so I stopped trying. After six decades of studying myself, and others, and lots of reading  and talking to hundreds of other trans people, I have come to the conclusion that all trans people have dysphoria, but not everybody recognises it. it changed for me with life events, and at times I didn't feel it, but I realised that even while it was benign, it was still there. Not as a profound feeling, but as background 'noise' which was easily covered by other events. This 'noise' would just prevent me from enjoying other things fully, or add to other frustrations.   I also started to realise that Dysphoria is a reaction to incongruence, just as euphoria is. It is akin to pulling your hand away from a flames that are burning you, or moving closer to the flames when it is cold. A natural reaction more than a mental disorder...   Hugs,   Allie 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Actually, no.  Its a good song, and sadly it always seems to remain relevant. 
    • Samantha Rose
      Thank You for explaining that.  It does make sense and I can see how this would help.  For me it was never about access to health care but about the stigmatization of anyone not following gender norms.  Today it is so. much better than when I was young.  It is easy to see that we have not come far enough, but we often forget how far we have actually come.  I still suffer from societally instilled distaste for my sexuality.  It sometimes gives me tunnel vision, that is why it is refreshing to hear new ideas suck as Yours.  Thank You again.
    • Betty K
      Hi Samantha. The way I see it, while a certain amount of dysphoria may be inevitable in some people, dysphoria could be largely avoided if trans folks were accepted, affirmed, and given access to medical treatment earlier. For eg, I know a trans child who has never known friction around her gender; the moment she told her parents she was a girl they accepted her and did not push against her. She is still very young so chances are she may experience dysphoria in puberty even with access to medication, but then again if that medication is delivered in a timely fashion she may not, or at least that dysphoria may not be extreme. The real problem arises, imo, when people are made to wait for treatment or to prove themselves worthy of it, especially by suffering a certain level of distress. For eg, in my country it is possible to access early release of superannuation on compassionate grounds to cover gender-affirming surgeries, but only if you can find a psychiatrist to testify that you are suffering. Well, why not just let people the access the money *before* they start to suffer, if at all possible, or at least before the suffering becomes critical? That, to me, is an example of the government and medical profession prioritising cure over prevention.
    • Samantha Rose
      Thank You for saying what You did.  I am almost constantly sliding up and down the scale (or spectrum).  Sometimes I feel like I am on a roller coaster NOT a spectrum.  And like the roller coaster I swing wildly from fear to excitement.  Right now my life is in one of those points where I am going up hill slowly and hearing that clack clack clack of the cogs... waiting for the drop.
    • Samantha Rose
      You are so right about Family being the hardest part.  I feel like such a coward not being able to confront my feelings with my Family.  I find it so much easier to open up to strangers, than my Family.  Every time I try, I face years of built up lies and resistance.  I think if there was only one thing in my life I could change, it would be to overcome my fear of the reactions of my Family, if I was finally able to come out completely.
    • Samantha Rose
      I found Your comment interesting, but I am not sure I understand what You mean about our medical system being focused on prevention.  Can You please elaborate? 
    • Samantha Rose
      I hear what You are saying Ashley.  Sometimes I feel like a fraud giving advice, when my life is such a mess, LOL.
    • Samantha Rose
      Sweetie, I cried reading Your story.  I am sorry You went through so much to get to where You are now.  To be completely honest, I also cried for myself.  I shared so many of these terrible experience.  It is so easy to crawl back into that hole labeled "Normal" and just try to forget the almost constant pain we feel.  However, it seems like You have crossed the Rubicon and are on the path to truly living Your life as You were meant to.  I think I am there also, but I am almost constantly afraid I will back slide and go back to hiding in the shadows.  Thank You for sharing Your self with us.
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