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Uterus Transplant

Guest Michele H

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Guest CharlieRose
Don't get me wrong, adopting is a very noble thing but I want to have a child that is a part of me.

Plus, adopting is not simple. It's not "Oh, you just fill out a form, save up a bit of money and go to the orphan-store." It's a complicated, expensive process that can take years, especially if you want a baby as opposed to an older child.

Though I imagine a uterus transplant would also be expensive and complicated.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Robin Winter

I would not hesitate! Not for a single instant! While I admit that I did not read through all 8 pages of this, I saw some arguments against because of the child's lack of choice in the matter?

Well, I didn't have a choice who my parents were either, and my father(translation - sperm donor) is a complete *word I can't say on the forum*, but I'm still glad I was born!!! As far as I'm concerned, a child who is loved will accept anything, and one who is raised properly will help make it ok.

It's funny, I found this topic almost immediately after posting one of my own whining about this very thing :P

But yeah, in a heartbeat. I would give up 1 of my 5 senses for this.

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Guest MissAmy

I don't think I'd like to carry a child around for nine months and then push them out of small hole. Not my cup of tea, and besides even if you get a uterus, the eggs wouldn't be yours and unless you got some of your old frozen sperm, then that baby wouldn't really be yours to begin with.

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Guest Donna Jean

I'm a woman.......

Why would I not want the ultimate experience?

But, a birth defect has prevented me from having children....

Give the opportunity?

Don't be silly...of course I would...

In the blink of an eye....a heartbeat....


Donna Jean

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Guest Joanna Phipps
I don't think I'd like to carry a child around for nine months and then push them out of small hole. Not my cup of tea, and besides even if you get a uterus, the eggs wouldn't be yours and unless you got some of your old frozen sperm, then that baby wouldn't really be yours to begin with.

OK what if they could grow one from your own tissue and have it supply all the necessary hormones and cells?

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Guest Donna Jean
OK what if they could grow one from your own tissue and have it supply all the necessary hormones and cells?

Whatever the process...I would do it!


Donna Jean

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If I was say about 30 years younger I would really jump on that one but I am a bit of a realist and at 58 I don't really want to think about what might have been.

I think that it would be wonderful if this could be accomplished for all of the young ladies that follow but as for me, I will just have to be happy as I am - old wrinkled and a truly lovable lady. :)

Love ya,


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Guest Joanna Phipps
If I was say about 30 years younger I would really jump on that one but I am a bit of a realist and at 58 I don't really want to think about what might have been.

I think that it would be wonderful if this could be accomplished for all of the young ladies that follow but as for me, I will just have to be happy as I am - old wrinkled and a truly lovable lady. :)

Love ya,


Momma Sally like most of the matrons here you will probably not live to see it happen, nor will I for that matter, so it is for the next generation or maybe the one after that to reap the fruits of today's research.

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Guest Donna Jean
If I was say about 30 years younger I would really jump on that one but I am a bit of a realist and at 58 I don't really want to think about what might have been.

I think that it would be wonderful if this could be accomplished for all of the young ladies that follow but as for me, I will just have to be happy as I am - old wrinkled and a truly lovable lady. :)

Love ya,


Sally, Sally, Sally.......

As long as we're wishing....lets take off the age, too!


Donna Jean

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If I was say about 30 years younger I would really jump on that one but I am a bit of a realist and at 58 I don't really want to think about what might have been.

I think that it would be wonderful if this could be accomplished for all of the young ladies that follow but as for me, I will just have to be happy as I am - old wrinkled and a truly lovable lady. :)

Love ya,


I live motherhood through my children and grandchildren.

When I hold the G.K.'s I think of what it would be like to birth them and realize that my dual gender is enough to love them from both sides..

I Thank god for the gift of generations,and I am satisfied and full of love...

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Reading a book by Germaine Greer (she really really really doesn't like us) where one of her slams was that no "Man made woman " has ever asked to have a uterus and bear children. My reation was - hey if it was availalbe I'd sign up to be the first! That got me thinking - first - virtually every other organ in the body can be transplanted - why not a uterus - or for that matter - the entire works? That then got me to thinking - am I the only one? - is Germaine essentially correct and there really is no interest. So A little pole - who amongts the mtf crowd would sign up for such a transplant and just for equal time - Why couldn't male testes, scrotum and penius be transplanted.

Looking forward to your comments

Hi, "Michele H" , Drop of a hat I would be pregnant if it were possible. I have a son and watched with envy the 9 months of his mothers pregnancy, I also was there at his birth

and I would have loved to have swapped places with his mother, ( i told her much later and she said she would have swapped places too ,* humor methinks*) .At 42 I will never

experience pregnancy but hold out great hope re my sisters in the future. For now being a part of this forum, the wonderful people I have met at home ( re same issues)

and my successful transition will be plenty of *goooooood* for me . I am being totally honest here ....I feel so close to you wonderful people already , I feel so at home with you .

All my heart love and kisses to all at Lauras. Viv.

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The ignorant quote from Germaine Greer just shows how little actual research that she has ever done with transsexuals - that is one of the main causes for depression, right up there with feelings of guilt and abandonment but I guess she didn't feel it necessary to learn anything about a subject before attacking it.

Unfortunately that is the tact that most people take when spewing forth hatred.

If she only knew how many of us would welcome all that goes with a truly feminine body some even ache for what most women consider the curse of their cycle.

I stated earlier that if I were younger it would have been my goal, I have dreamed of it often and they are some of my fondest dreams, there can be no more fulfillment in anyone's life than having a baby but like so many other wonderful things in life it is not in my future.

Love ya,


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  • 6 months later...
Guest Amanda Hollyann

Where do I sign up? Of course, we as transgender women would want to have a uterus and womb implanted. Why wouldn't we? It's the last thing that keeps us from being who we want to be: a woman. To be able to feel a baby growing inside of your body, giving birth and then breastfeeding would truly be the ultimate transition.

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Guest AshleyRF
Where do I sign up? Of course, we as transgender women would want to have a uterus and womb implanted. Why wouldn't we? It's the last thing that keeps us from being who we want to be: a woman. To be able to feel a baby growing inside of your body, giving birth and then breastfeeding would truly be the ultimate transition.

Would it? I think it is just another one of those things that we transwomen tend to glorify as the "Holy Grail" of womanhood. Sure, it would be nice to have the "ability" but I don't see it as making one any more or any less female or complete/incomplete with a transition.

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Guest NatalieRene
Would it? I think it is just another one of those things that we transwomen tend to glorify as the "Holy Grail" of womanhood. Sure, it would be nice to have the "ability" but I don't see it as making one any more or any less female or complete/incomplete with a transition.

Yeah I agree with Ashley. It's not the uterus that makes the woman. Like any other woman that can't bare kids we just have to accept it sadly but it doesn't make us any less of a woman.

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Guest Girl Emily

It is a shame that she did so little research into the history of MtF sex change operations that she missed the sad story of our first sister from the early 20th century.

after having a successful sex change the surgeon attempted to transplant a uterus which eventually led to her death due to rejection. She sacrificed herself to achieve the ultimate dream. Her experience and the knowledge gained from the failure has contributed to organ transplant success in the years that followed.


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Guest AshleyRF

And ruin my wonderful figure. :lol:

(looks around) Where's the sign up sheet? :D



ROFL.. if only I had a "wonderful figure" to begin with.

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Guest Anira
If she only knew how many of us would welcome all that goes with a truly feminine body some even ache for what most women consider the curse of their cycle.

*blushes and raises her paw* i'm one of those people that would GLADLY live with a menstruation cycle if it meant i would be able to have the right plumbing and the chance to bear a child.

i posted a thread here Medical Technology Progress That One Would Hope We Might Be Able To Benefit From that might possibly suggest one day maybe soon we could. and our counterparts in the trans communities might be able to father their own children *smiles* also would mean no more post op shots! *giggles and smiles*

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Guest TracieV3
*blushes and raises her paw* i'm one of those people that would GLADLY live with a menstruation cycle if it meant i would be able to have the right plumbing and the chance to bear a child.
Same here. I would gladly have monthly menstruation cycles in exchange for being able to become pregnant and give birth naturally to my children.
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Guest Michele H
Yeah, put me on the "me too" list. It makes me sad that no matter what happens in my life, I'll never have my own children. I do not feel that the ability to do so or the desire to do so is the measure of a woman however. Many biological females cannot have children, and many of those who can do not want to. Neither are diminished as women by their conditions or decisions.

On the basis of the remark made here I'd say the person who made these statements is very sadly ignorant. MtF transsexuals are not "man made women," for starters. They are what they are on the day they're born, and whatever comes of it beyond that is no one's to judge, really. She seems to be basing her analysis, if it can be called that, on a conception of gender which is akin in its own way to the belief that the earth is flat. Its day has come and gone.

Upon what basis does she make the claim that none of us have ever asked for a uterus? How does one determine what every transsexual has asked for? Besides, what use is it to ask for that which we know we cannot have?

But even having said that, I can tell you that as far as I know she is just wrong anyway. Perhaps research into the subject would have better served her.

Look into Lili Elbe. Back in the 30s she underwent five surgeries. One of them was the transplantation of ovaries. She had to have them removed because of rejection. But her fifth surgery, apparently, was an attempt to transplant a uterus. Because she wanted to have children. Complications from this last surgery eventually killed her.


I think most of us strive to end our suffering, and to that end do whatever science, the conditions of our particular lives, and our finances will allow. I am fairly certain that these restrictions do not limit our wishes, though, which can and most likely always do go well beyond them.

Some people, and it sounds like this author is one of them, seem to feel threatened when their concept of gender is questioned. I dont have much sympathy for these people. I think most of them should be incredibly grateful for the fact that they were born into bodies and lives they can be comfortable with, and if they cannot concieve of the discomfort that our condition can and does cause, the least that they could do would be to go on with their somewhat more idealic existences and leave us alone while we sort ours out. : P

This thread has been making the 'rounds and I'm sorry I missed your reply when you posted it. But I do want to thank you for your reply. A transplant, especially for you guys would be a far better option than what you currently have available for a neo phalus.

Would it be acceptable to the group to if I were to take all of these comments and use as documentation for presentation at health conferences - with the intent of getting medical research to take our needs seriously. Numbers count. All personal information that could in any way identify the individual would be redacted (removed). I am presenting at one conference in 3 weeks and am also a member of WPATH.

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Guest Michele H
I live motherhood through my children and grandchildren.

When I hold the G.K.'s I think of what it would be like to birth them and realize that my dual gender is enough to love them from both sides..

I Thank god for the gift of generations,and I am satisfied and full of love...

This has been a really stressful week I will probably post separtely as it's a long story but just wanted to say that this weekend as I lay on a pull out bed in a room on the OBGYN floor and heard the the mewing cry of newborns as they were taken to their mothers to be fed, I cried silently. I'm 63 it won't happen for me and I cry.

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Guest Anira
This thread has been making the 'rounds and I'm sorry I missed your reply when you posted it. But I do want to thank you for your reply. A transplant, especially for you guys would be a far better option than what you currently have available for a neo phalus.

Would it be acceptable to the group to if I were to take all of these comments and use as documentation for presentation at health conferences - with the intent of getting medical research to take our needs seriously. Numbers count. All personal information that could in any way identify the individual would be redacted (removed). I am presenting at one conference in 3 weeks and am also a member of WPATH.

personally i wouldn't mind but i know i can't speak for everyone else. are you just going to be speaking about uterine transplants or the desire for many in the trans community to have properly functioning anatomy? i.e proper plumbing for MTF and FTMs?

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    • VickySGV
      @KathyLauren This is how the jurors broke down the award:     Being labeled as a molester and sexual pervert can and has done that much actual damage in terms of repair of the damage through a wide variety of means including legal fees and loss of livelihood in any job or profession.  As this said the idea of "reckless disregard for the truth" means that the performer was able to show a level of damage that will affect him now and in the future.  The $900K+ figure was a matter of real evidence of the damage. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, it has been an interesting morning.  I stayed home from service to take care of a partner.  She's the youngest of us, and I'm usually not her first choice for affection.  But this morning she curled up in my lap right before breakfast, and told me she was feeling ill.  And then threw up on me about 30 seconds later....   I guess the smell of the food is what did it, poor thing.  On a hunch, she took a pregnancy test and.... yep.    She's been married to our husband for 10 years, and this will be her 6th, so I'm happy for her.  We took a shower and she got back in our nest to sleep some more, which is probably the best medicine of all.  Maybe she'll feel better this afternoon. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Article said $250,000 of it was "punitive."  To me, seems like the whole thing was punitive...which I don't think is appropriate at all. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Biden himself is driving that "divisive wedge."  Could have done without the anti-gun garbage in his statement....it makes it seem like all LGBTQ+ folks agree with their agenda.  Which simply isn't true, and makes life difficult (and unsafe) for those of us who prefer to live in rural (and non-Democrat) areas.  Pride month would be happier for many (and more socially accepted) if it could somehow be separated from ancillary political issues. 
    • KathyLauren
      I haven't seen the ruling, but it is unlikely that the entire amount was for actual damages.  The majority was likely punitive, as it should be.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Unless somehow this caused a million dollars worth of damage to somebody's livelihood or life, the amount of this judgement seems excessive.  Not something I would call "uplifting" or anything to be pleased about. 
    • Davie
      Thanks so much, @Ivy Good to hear good sense about this. —Davie
    • VickySGV
      You do have what are called Receptor Cells in your body, that take the T or E and actually put them to work structuring your body.  I learned about this from a genetics study being done through the University Of California that I took part in through a Transgender Conference I attended.  Turned out  that my actual T receptor cells had some extra bits of protein in their make-up that they knew inhibited certain (unknown specifically) functions of the hormones.  My Endocrinologist even commented that he was not as concerned about what my blood levels were because the level in my blood stream was not doing anything, it was what the receptor cells did with it that mattered.    That said though, to me it seems like your T actually has done a pretty good job on you from what you say.  Just like my direction of MtF, males come in so many different editions, shapes, and sizes that to me you would fit in there just fine, maybe not in your personal ideal of masculinity, but you seem to fit in the box pretty well from what you are saying.  I  would get back with your Gender Therapist for a bit to get help on self acceptance of where you are.
    • Mmindy
      Good morning everyone,    It’s another rainy cool morning here in central Indiana so in spite of getting up at 06:30 to quickly get Parker outside to do his business, then scoop him up some kibble and fill his water bowl. We’ve been cat napping with the Smithsonian Channel streaming Arial America.    Well said @Willow about being Trans Enough.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🐛🦋    
    • Charlize
      Thanks you for posting.  Is Eli your chosen name?  I'm not surprised that you have heard the complaints of MTF folks and their struggles.  We all see our own struggles as being the worst.  That being said i've known quite few trans men who have gone through a great struggle.  While our social difficulties are real i have found finding peace with myself has been every bit as hard if not harder in the long run.  That has little or nothing to do with passing.       I definitely am privileged as an educated white person in an accepting area.  I have to accept that as well.       As to HRT, the time will come if that is the path you change.  Facial hair, as well as body hair, a deep voice and slight but powerful physical changes will eventually allow you to pass.  As i waited to start hormones i found it was a time when i could start the long path towards self acceptance.  I will never be a cis woman and finding peace with that can still be a challenge for any trans person.   Hugs,   Charlize  
    • Heather Shay
      Surprise of the day - syncronicity - nice find of a band I'd never heard of ...    
    • April Marie
      Feeling happy, blessed and content today.
    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
      Are you able to live in the moment or does your inner demon generally control you?
    • Heather Shay
      Still have anxious moments meeting some.
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