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Good morning All. Coffees on.


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Went over to see my mom and we had the talk.I came out as transgender to her this morning.Told her I had the feelings of this at age 8.It went good and knows I will be fulltime as Holly next month.She is going adjust well to having a much happier daughter.Dad was told and the same thing,he was there too

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50 minutes ago, HollyNG said:

Went over to see my mom and we had the talk.I came out as transgender to her this morning.Told her I had the feelings of this at age 8.It went good and knows I will be fulltime as Holly next month.She is going adjust well to having a much happier daughter.Dad was told and the same thing,he was there too

Awesome!!! ❤️

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I'm doing some remodel in my main bathroom. Putting in new tub rotated 90 deg. moving toilet and rotating 90 deg.

This old lady just isn't built for this stuff anymore. Don't have near the strength that I used to have. Also, ever try carrying a sheet of drywall with tender boobs? OUCH!!!

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Great news, @HollyNG That is the one that scars me the most coming out to my mom. (she the only parent I have left.) Still don't know how my sister will accept it.


Last day of nice weather. I am hoping to get out of the house and do something. I do have to go to an appointment at VA and visit the vampires. Hoping to go to my appt as myself.




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@HollyNG, congratulations on coming out to your wife and mother!  Those are some of the hardest conversations you will have.  Good for you for getting over those hurdles!  I am glad they went well.

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Good morning, all,

I’m having one of those days of self-doubt and second guessing my decisions of the choice I made about coming out. I have wanted this for so long that it has destroyed several friendships and a couple of relationships. I thank that the thought of starting a new life as the women that I need to be is the scariest thang that I have ever done. Putting myself out there as the true me has my head spinning and sometimes, I don’t know which end is up. I think that I’m over thinking the upcoming issues that I will be facing but know that I can’t wait any longer or I may have lived my life for nothing. I come to this page every morning and evening to read the comments that have been left throughout the day and the support you all give to each other is amazing. Any advice or thoughts on this will be truly apricated and accepted. I guess that I will just have to put myself out there and make some new friends. I hope that everyone has a blessed weekend.


I would like to thank my morning sponsor “The best part of wakening up is Folgers in your cup”.

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2 hours ago, KathyLauren said:

@HollyNG, congratulations on coming out to your wife and mother!  Those are some of the hardest conversations you will have.  Good for you for getting over those hurdles!  I am glad they went well.

I am seeing a therapist as well,have gender dysphoria issues with me.Wife plans on coming for support when I go to my next therapy session.

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7 hours ago, HollyNG said:

It went good

So wonderful to read this, first with your wife and now your parents. ☺️ Congrats!


4 hours ago, Cynthina said:

I don’t know which end is up

I can empathize with that feeling, Cynthia. Good luck!

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I actually was able to go as myself. I did leave the house wearing a pair of tactical utility pants. but not long after I got on the road. I stopped and slipped them off. I had use them to cover my athletic skort. Goddess I wish I could be myself all the time. 



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2 hours ago, Zelaire said:

So wonderful to read this, first with your wife and now your parents. ☺️ Congrats!



Tough part will be with my son and I know it.Plans are having time together tommorrow and tell him dad will be living and dressing as Holly next month.He is 16 now and luckily my wife has found a great support group for kids that have an LGBT parent for him.I knew this had to come out finally

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Good luck, Holly. Luckily it seems your wife is supportive and helpful. And our kids live in a different generation today. Fingers crossed.

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9 hours ago, Zelaire said:

Good luck, Holly. Luckily it seems your wife is supportive and helpful. And our kids live in a different generation today. Fingers crossed.

She is supportive and helpful

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good morning every one  and Hollyng  just be Happy in your travels best wishes                                                       I just want to say i am pulling my self out of my hole feeling good nice sunny day in maine   Thank you all for being here Rachel

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Good morning 


I had to salute Major Dickinson this morning.  Then Peet’s and I began to enjoy a cup of his coffee.  Yes I slipped in that advertisement for the sponsor.



@KymmieL said. goodness I wish I could be myself all the time.   I have to agree with you on that one. While I usually get to dress as myself more than you do, I don’t get to do it all the time either.


Rough night.  Started with my wife very congested and having trouble breathing and clearing her throat.  She eventually cleared up and we got to sleep.  

I had been working on my throttle just before dusk.  The skeeters ate my arms and I had to give up. So about 5am they itched so bad it woke me up scratching.  I gave up trying to ignore it and tried some creams to release the itching.  Cortisone on one arm and Ben Gay on the other.  That was an experiment to see which worked better.  So far, the Ben Gay is winning by a mile.


I need to finish up the connections and test the marine AC this morning.  Only if it works as planned will I button it up. I figured out during this project that the height of the various storage lockers is just slightly higher than the water line. So if the boat gets a hole in one compartment it shouldn’t fill and sink the entire boat.  But a still have to avoid icebergs.  I didn’t name this titanic.


as of yesterday I have worked things out to have dinner next Sunday with our daughter, her boyfriend, our oldest granddaughter and her boyfriend, and the younger granddaughter.  So seven of us.  We haven’t been allowed back since last September, the oldest moved out of her moms house in March.  Our son now refuses to talk to his sister after he witnessed her berating her oldest daughter in February. See a theme here?  Anyway, at least we will get to celebrate our 50th anniversary with some of the family after all.  

enjoy your coffee or other morning beverage.





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On 4/22/2022 at 7:14 AM, HollyNG said:

Went over to see my mom and we had the talk.I came out as transgender to her this morning.Told her I had the feelings of this at age 8.It went good and knows I will be fulltime as Holly next month.She is going adjust well to having a much happier daughter.Dad was told and the same thing,he was there too


Congratulations on making the leap. I have no doubt that it was hard, but it had to be cathartic to let it out. The fact that both your wife and your parents is supportive is just terrific. You are definitely going in the right directions with having the support of your family and seeing a counselor. I am so happy for you! I believe everybody here can empathize with how hard it is to get to the edge of the cliff and take the leap of faith. Once you do...The world just opens up. 




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@HollyNG wonderful progress! 


@Cynthina you mentioned overthinking. That's a good insight, I believe. As you begin to take some small steps toward expressing your true self to the world, your confidence will increase. That does not mean it will always be easy. In fact each choice you make may seem difficult for some time. Don't give up! Life is short and you deserve happiness and freedom. As you practice being you, it will become more natural and less fearful. You're never alone and we're routing for you. 


@Hannah Renee & @Elizabeth Star great photo! 

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Told my son dad will be living and dressing as Holly fulltime next month.It was hard for him at first and starting to understand slowly.Thought he was going to lose his dad at first.Told him I am going to be his dad no matter what living a much happier life.I am giving him space and time to think about it

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1 hour ago, Hannah Renee said:


Thank you, Liz, for joining me, and allowing me the opportunity to experience a measure of growth that would otherwise have been almost impossible. ❤️❤️Hugs.

Wow! This is great. 
@Hannah Reneeand @Elizabeth Star it’s cool that you were able to join one another for the evening. 


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Good morning everyone,


My coffee is long gone. We started teaching at 07:00 this morning at the historic downtown public safety building in Johnstown, PA 


The Johnstown, PA Fire Department in the downtown headquarters built in 1925. This old city is a historian’s dream place to visit. #Johnstown1889Flood #BessemerSteel 




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Hei, folks,


Already long past my coffee hour today. I just returned from picking up my tux for a formal fundraiser tonight. This was planned months ago with my wife and daughter. I had been regretting agreeing to go to this and had been dreading this day arriving for the past few weeks.


So when I was trying on the tux this morning I looked in the mirror and it hit me full force. I nearly burst into tears at the store and couldn't get out of the monkey suit and the store fast enough. The dysphoria is in full force right now. That person in the mirror is not who I want to be. Now i finally understand dead naming. I am not doing a very good job of holding back the tears right now. 


I am going to go pull my self back together and get through this but now I am questioning my decision not to try to go full time. 


The mess known as Rachel....

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26 minutes ago, CD Rachel said:

I am going to go pull my self back together and get through this…

Awhile back I had to do something like this for one of my daughter's 2nd wedding.  It was hard, and I only did it for her sake.  I don't expect that to ever happen again.


Deadnaming gets harder and harder for me as time goes on.  I want - no, need - to do the official name change, but i dread dealing with the state & county government.

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Ladies I feel for you. Once the genie was out of the bottle and I hit a rough patch I tried to dress male for a day. It broke me.  It felt like someone was torturing me the pain was so raw.  I wish there were a way to help you all deal with this. 

On the flip side, I don't mind referring to my former life using my dead name now that I know who I am and there is no turning back.  

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Maybe you could wear a pink tuxedo... I think this would even be considered fashionable by people at the party. If it's too male, and it probably is, I'm glad you can talk about it here with us. I completely understand how a necktie would be too male to wear, and I wouldn't wear it either. But times are different than they used to be. If your family DOES know you're a woman, then nobody except a hater will say anything even slightly negative about your clothes that you own and picked out yourself. I've heard of truckers wearing pantyhose because they like it. I know that some Europeans wear kilts because they like it. It's not normal for somebody to be critical of your dress clothes in public, although I get it, I do.

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    • missyjo
      nevermind...couldn't get it to work..time to change n work out night
    • Adrianna Danielle
      It was a huge relief for both of us
    • Adrianna Danielle
      We have,found out she had a hole in her heart repaired at age 12.She knows heart problems run in my side of the family now.Told her I had stents put in
    • Ashley0616
    • Mmindy
      That’s Fantastic @Adrianna DanielleI hope you’re able to develop a relationship with her. At minimum she knows more about her heritage and possible health related issues.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • missyjo
      ok quic stop n will be slightly late but comming hugs
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      If anyone is interested   What do the Trans community need most right now? Abigail Thorn & Freddy McConnell | Pod Save The UK      
    • Ashley0616
    • Ashley0616
      It unfortunately stopped because it was raining hard. 
    • Ashley0616
      I attended my first public event with crowds. I was nervous! It was the Pride Month event down here. It’s finally official I’m a volunteer. 
    • Sol
      @LittleSam I dress pretty stereotypically masculine too, it's comfy! But sometimes I feel like being fancy and bright like a peacock so I do that. Being a peacock is fun :D  Plus I always think it's so weird that people believe certain genders can't do certain things, because why does it matter so long as no one is being hurt and the person doing the activity is happy? Basically, I think worrying about that stuff just causes a lot of unnecessary stress.  I don't really see myself as genderfluid mostly because my gender is pretty static, or I'm always masculine and not at the same time all the time. With that being said I can absolutely see how it relates! Especially since I think it makes perfect sense to go between feeling gendered or genderless, to put it broadly.  Overall, labels are our best attempts at describing hard to explain concepts like gender and sexuality, which are both really fluid and vary a lot from person to person. I went from trans man, to trans masculine, to agender, and back to trans man, so I essentially just went in a circle, but I learned a lot along to way. 
    • Adrianna Danielle
      Happy news for me,found out the 24 year old daughter I am the possible father,I am her bio dad.DNA test that was done confirmed it.She told happy LGBT pride month to me.She is happy to find her bio dad finally.She is staying for the weekend
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I personally don't understand how wearing panties is comfortable for much of anybody.  I'm AFAB, but there's just too much naturally, um...down there....for panties to be comfortable.  Consequences of being intersex, I guess.  I'd suggests some slightly-looser shorts instead.  There are some that are marketed to women, but have a kind of androgynous look to them.  Wish I knew a brand name, but I could ask my friends.  Both of my trans friends are non-op, so they have no doubt experienced how you're feeling.   Ugh... I get really irritable when GF keeps trying to put me back in female underwear because she says I "look pretty" that way.  I never thought I looked pretty that way or any other way, and the pinching/pulling/chafing combined with the overly-noticeable outlines of....stuff.... just makes it no-go for me.  Last time she approached me with an underwear item, I warned her she was going to get bit.   
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I don't think so.  People may disagree with me, but I don't believe there's such a thing as "gay culture," "trans culture," "White culture," "Hispanic culture," or similar terms because those are really big umbrellas.    My background is Greek, and I live in the Mid-South part of the USA.  I share some of my trans-ness with my trans friends, and some aspects of our backgrounds and beliefs are similar.  But honestly, its impossible for me and the average trans person from California to agree on much of anything past the color of an orange and the fact that we don't quite fit in our bodies.    
    • Vidanjali
      Just heard from surgeon. Surgery successful and she's awake and resting well. Spleen was large about only about 100ml blood loss, probably all from bleeding into the mass & not from any rupturing. Dr didn't see anything else worrying except a liver nodule which she biopsied although she suspects the nodule is just age-related. She's anemic but they're holding off on blood transfusion for now bc they believe she'll recover naturally. About a week to get biopsy report. And Dr said if she continues to do as well as she has so far, she may be able to come home tomorrow. So best news possible so far. ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️
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