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Emotion of the day

Heather Shay

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  1. deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.
    "they were filled with remorse and shame"
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Pity means feeling for others, particularly feelings of sadness or sorrow. In a positive sense it means "sympathy" and "empathy". More commonly Pity is a negative judgement of others and their situation An example of pity is how most people feel about the homeless. Pity and compassion are closely related words but have subtle differences. The difference is that compassion usually involves some commitment to help. Pity does not usually require any personal involvement. Sometimes pity can also have feelings of contempt and dislike that go with it. In a positive sense, and especially as practiced in many religions, it can involve feelings the person does not deserve what has happened to him or her. In this case the person feeling pity feels sorry it happened.

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Isolation is a result of anxiety and depression in that some individuals use it as a self-induced coping mechanism to deal with excessive worry and avoid human interaction.

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Jealousy or envy is a feeling (or emotion) people get when they want what others have. This is a negative feeling. When someone is jealous of someone else, they usually dislike the other person. These particular emotions are usually caused by a person having a certain object or quality which you desire but can not obtain. Jealousy is caused by lacking of self confidence and judging your abilities. Jealousy is not reasonable rationally.

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  1. a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others.
    "he understood the sorrow and discontent underlying his brother's sigh"
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  1. 1.
    experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
    "she was extremely anxious about her exams"
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Anger is a natural, instinctive response to threats. Some anger is necessary for our survival.

Anger becomes a problem when you have trouble controlling it, causing you to say or do things you regret.

A 2010 studyTrusted Source found that uncontrolled anger is bad for your physical and mental health. It can also quickly escalate to verbal or physical violence, harming you and those around you.

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  1. the complete loss or absence of hope.
    "in despair, I hit the bottle"
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People generally like to feel happy, calm, and good. You might express these feelings by smiling, laughing, or indulging yourself.

You might feel enjoyment when:

  • You feel close and connected to people you care about.
  • You feel safe and secure.
  • You’re doing something that triggers sensory pleasure.
  • You’re absorbed in an activity.
  • You feel relaxed and at peace.
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Wonder is an emotion comparable to surprise that people feel when perceiving something rare or unexpected (but not threatening). It has historically been seen as an important aspect of human nature, specifically being linked with curiosity and the drive behind intellectual exploration.[1] Wonder is also often compared to the emotion of awe[2] but awe implies fear or respect rather than joy. Science fiction can produce a sense of wonder.

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Resolution- a firm decision to do or not to do something. The quality of being determined or resolute

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  1. open resistance; bold disobedience.
    "the demonstration was held in defiance of official warnings"
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envy - wanting what others have

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Sadness is an emotion. It is the opposite of happiness. People feel sad when something bad has happened, for example, if their mother or father has died.

In capital letters, SAD, or S.A.D. is short for "Seasonal affective disorder". SAD is a sickness that some people have in the winter. They feel depressed as the nights become longer and there is less daylight.

When people are very sad, and for a long time, the person could have a serious mental illness called depression or Bipolar disorder.

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  1. (transitive & intransitive) If you anticipate something, you think or do something about it before it happens.  [synonyms ▼]
    The seasonal changes in temperature are anticipated by birds through the changes of day length.
    The airport will be expanded to meet anticipated growth in air traffic.
    We do not anticipate any major problems with the new system.
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1 caution /ˈkɑːʃən/  noun
plural cautions
Britannica Dictionary definition of CAUTION
[noncount] : care taken to avoid danger or risk : a careful attitude or way of behaving
  • You should use caution when operating the electric saw.
  • He injected a note/word of caution in his talk.
  • Her financial adviser urged caution before investing in the project.
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  1. a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
    "he had stood in front of it, observing the intricacy of the ironwork with the wonder of a child"
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Nostalgia is an emotion. It is the feeling of enjoying events from the past. People with nostalgia will often look at or use old things that they were familiar with years ago. This is because people feel more connected to those past times that they enjoyed, usually because it reminds them of how long it has been since they last connected to such past times. Examples where people may have the feeling of nostalgia includes watching old TV shows, using old technology that was very enjoyable, and playing with toys that you played with as a child. These memories are usually misleading, and can make someone wish that they could be young again, even if their childhood was mediocre. Human brains often leave out boring or bad memories, which can cause incorrect feelings about their childhood

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Limbo is a situation in which nothing happens or changes for a long period of time, and it is difficult to make decisions or know what to do, often because you are waiting for something else to happen first.

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Wondering is rewarding. By embracing wonder – your drive to learn about the world – you can deepen your appreciation of the world’s richness and engage more fully with others.

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Shock - Emotional shock is a reaction that you may have to an unexpected event or traumatic incident that upsets you and makes it hard for you to function.

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