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Lets Party By The Pool & Talk


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Opal-did the Ghostbusters arrive?? What is happening??

Micha -Hello Micha-com in Mica

Dee Jay??



Lieutenant Commander Sally??!


I'm alone-darkness is falling.

What has happened???????

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Guest Donna Jean

I thought it was Dee Jay looking for ladybugs with her service model lampbright!

Lizzy NOLA

No.....I was looking for love....

In all the wrong places....


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Guest miss kindheart

Please do be careful around this "Wicked Witch of the West". She's not one to be trifling with.


North , South , East , and West :D


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Greeting Crew

Due to unforeseen crew losses we will take a day to remember and then resume our journey tomorrow.

Are there any requests or suggestions for destinations?? Would you prefer to return to Earth or find new adventures elsewhere in the galaxy?

Captain James

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Somebody locked me in my room! I have a feeling it was a stray tribble seeking revenge for the annihilation of their brethren.

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I dunno, Cap'n.....

Maybe as long as we're out this far we could see if we could find heaven?

Esn Dee Jay

How sad I would be if we found it and I wasn't allowed in!

Perhaps we should instead seek those famous Green Pastures and lie down beside still water for a healing rest?

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Somebody locked me in my room! I have a feeling it was a stray tribble seeking revenge for the annihilation of their brethren.

Here is your key-and a special kitten to keep you company and share te nigt wen fears prowl

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Oh no my fear is gone just never again will I scour over the /x/ archives and read about the horrors within...Well maybe later...i loves this kitty tho!

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Well, how could we do this so that it might put a little less burden on you, Sir Captain?

I was relying on Google and tried Bing and Photobucket for photos. Was also going to memory-alpha.org for some ideas and details.

Perhaps for some that couldn't follow along every day, the storyline may have got a bit confusing.

Maybe some discussion about favorite episodes, characters, etc? Or would that be to close to some of the other threads going on?

I for one have really enjoyed this thread, and hope with a bit of a break we can continue on in some fashion.....



Ensign Opal aka Rockettes' dancer

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I for one have really enjoyed this thread, and hope with a bit of a break we can continue on in some fashion.....



Ensign Opal aka Rockettes' dancer

Dearest Ensign Opal

This is not the end of our journey-we just need a day of sorrow to mourn the loss of a most treasured member of our crew I think. We will venture forth again

And to all who come here-We need this place to de-stress, to get to know one another and make new friends. Without our fantasies and our dreams we could not face our difficult days. We have a rare opportunity to explore feelings otherwise too difficult for us-to get to know ourselves better..

That is why we'll continue forward from here

And I won't step out of character again but wanted this once to explain why this thread is important-and why it as lasted so long.

Back to fun and exploration tomorrow.

"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven"


John James-JJ-Ravenwood -Captain USS Seeker

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Attention Crew

We are ready to resume our journey-and we really need to recruit some more male type people so we can party a little better-not that it's all that bad to be the only guy in a primarily female crew*GRIN* but I do get ......uh....tired!

So we have options-and I need input-do you want to return to OZ and fight that legendary villain and her flying monkeys-Starfleet has left in our hands-or venture in a new direction?

You can make suggestions -please do- and we'll depart for our continuing adventures in a few hours.

Love my crew!

Captain James

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Oz sounds like fun, perhaps if we have a battle plan. Otherwise, I am game for travelling out to an unexplored sector of the galaxy.



Maybe I will look for a ten-foot tall photo of a star ship captain, similar to the one of the white knight !!!!

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I told ya to stay out of the woods!


Esn Dee Jay


:blush: I didn't know anyone got a picture of that!

Uh......there weren't any others were there? :unsure:

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Prepare for departure at first light.

jrm-looks like you'll finally ave a chance to use that weapon of yours.

Get a good night's sleep all

Captain Ravenwood

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Guest Nikki A

Prepare for departure at first light.

jrm-looks like you'll finally ave a chance to use that weapon of yours.

Get a good night's sleep all

Captain Ravenwood

i don't sleep o_0

hugs, Nikki

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i don't sleep o_0

hugs, Nikki

In that case feel free to chill or party the night away. There's the holodck, 10 Forward and the pool.


And since we are off the record here-hugs


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  • Forum Moderator

Oz sounds like fun, perhaps if we have a battle plan. Otherwise, I am game for travelling out to an unexplored sector of the galaxy.



Maybe I will look for a ten-foot tall photo of a star ship captain, similar to the one of the white knight !!!!

Looks like we're off to Oz in the AM -I'd love to see a picture like that!

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Engage warp drive Ensign Opal.

looks like the majority of our crew elected to sleep in. Good thing we've got so may auto systems.

Heard there was a bit of a party in 10 Forward last night.

Is it true Dee Jay was using the blender as a propeller with her ladybug wings? I guess it would be effective against flying monkeys but I wasn't planning on any hand to hand combat

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Guest Donna Jean

Is it true Dee Jay was using the blender as a propeller with her ladybug wings? I guess it would be effective against flying monkeys but I wasn't planning on any hand to hand combat

Look, Cap'n......

I've got this really cool stick on tail and a pair of monkey ears....

Maybe I can blend in and get some good intelligence!

Esn. Dee Jay

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    • Mmindy
      Good luck @KymmieL   Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Mmindy
      Welcome to TransPulseForums @Curious-star   I hope you find this site as helpful as I do. It’s not therapy but it’s close, no matter what you’re feeling or going through someone here is quick to respond. We have members from all around the world, the chances are very good that you will have someone reach out to you.    Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, for the purposes of this topic, I'll just say that I want a republic where Trump isn't the best we can hope for.    People where I live will vote for him no matter what, felony court cases or not, because we simply cannot stomach the alternatives.  We'd rather have Putin than Biden.  At least Putin, Orban, and Trump are nationalists (sort of), in spite of all the other bad stuff that goes along with that.  In my lifetime, he's the closest thing people here have had to a president they actually like.  That is the source of his support.  And it doesn't say much good about him, really, just bad about all the other choices.    So...what happens in November?  Will there even be an election?  If Trump becomes ineligible for office, who do the Republicans run?  Or maybe we just have an election with Libertarians vs Democrats?  Chase Oliver has some good things going...
    • Willow
      Hello @Curious-star   Welcome to Transgender Pulse we have many members with a lot of similarities.  Check out our various threads and posts.  Look into our chats and online meetings.   good luck with your journey.   Willow
    • Curious-star
      Hi, just thought I would say hello, I’m kind of new to all this, being in my mid 40s, have a wife and daughter and never questioned my gender till now.   This all start after a dream where I was stood I front of my family and friends wearing a bra the wonderful euphoric feeling I felt, felt real, I decided to buy one and try it and that euphoria was now really real and only confused me further, the bra I bought did not fit so I plucked up the courage to go to a shop and get properly fitted, wow what an experience I would recommend this to anyone, I walked out of the shop wearing my new bra with so much confidence.    I am extremely sensitive and empathetic to a point I know I have an inner her. I have always loved talking to women as I feel I am on the same level and sometimes I find it hard to open up to male friends, I have had body dystrophy but I don’t think it’s because I’m male and not female, I think it’s because I am just overweight, I am very muscular and have a lot of body hairy and a beard which I have no issue with.   i am very confused with the whole situation and maybe it would be easier just to take the view you were born male so your a man but that doesn’t seem right and my journey, which has only been a few months if I have gained anything it is an utmost respect for anyone who has even asked the question who or what am I.   every answer I get just brings more questions    sorry that was a bit more than just a hello!!  
    • Ivy
      I am a bit discouraged these days.  But It does seem to me that our problems can only be addressed when we learn how to work together, and yeah that does mean on a global scale.   Unfortunately it seems to be the case that too many are still only in it for themselves, trying to accumulate personal wealth and power.   Local cooperation is good, and it doesn't seem impossible for it to be had on a wider scale if we can have some respect for each other.  But we seem to be too interested in preserving our local turfs.  A prime example is our current all or nothing politics. We are prioritizing competition over cooperation. I've grown cynical, unfortunately.  I fear we are going to destroy our selves.  Perhaps the future generations will do better.  One can hope.
    • Ashley0616
      They start you off with a low dose to see how the body reacts. It takes time for any results to actually take effect. There might be a placebo effect for now. Trust the process and know it’s not a sprint it’s an endurance. I would ask the NP to see about patches, gel or injections. The pill has known to be worse in the side effects. In my first year I have gained some breast growth. I started as a 42C and now a 42 DD but it’s also probably because I’m big. Weight loss for me is almost impossible. If I could get off my gut and go to hips and breast I wouldn’t mind. Enjoy and congratulations on the start of your new life. 
    • Betty K
    • Vidanjali
      Thanks for that info & yes it totally makes sense.
    • Carolyn Marie
      Yes, I'm one of the Baby Boomer generation you speak of.  I am proud of the "globalists" of the past, who accomplished things like the Marshall Plan, the creation of NATO, the efforts to bring peace to places like Kosovo and the efforts to fight the Taliban and free Qatar from Iraqi aggression, as well as the coordinated efforts in space exploration, and fighting worldwide hunger and disease, including Covid.   There were many, many mistakes made as well, and all my Boomer friends and relatives regret those.  But I don't believe for a minute that the U.S. would be better off isolating itself and turning back the clock 100 or 150 years.  Those were NOT the "good old days" for most people.   I'm not sure what kind of "new republic" you are hoping for.  But based on your prior statements about the world you desire, it is not a republic I wish to live in.  Isolationism is not the panacea you think it will be, @awkward-yet-sweet.  I'll leave it at that.   Carolyn Marie
    • Carolyn Marie
      Thanks for this first-hand account of the festivities, @VickySGV.  Congratulations to the Chorus and all who were recognized.   HUGS   Carolyn Marie
    • Betty K
      Wow, that is a sad story. I am so sorry you had to endure that as a child. As the others have said, yes, you can quite easily be trans and asexual, and many people are. Being trans is not a sexuality, and any suggestions to the contrary are considered fringe beliefs nowadays. Having said that, you would not necessarily “be classed as trans for liking to dress up in lingerie occasionally “. You may well be trans, but a habit of crossdressing now and then doesn’t necessarily make you so; the question of transness goes deeper than that. As the others have said, a good therapist (one who practices the gender affirming model and not so-called “exploratory therapy”AKA conversion therapy) can help you discover the true nature of your gender identity. Only you can know what this is, but it can take the right questions to uncover it.    Just to be clear, studies suggest that many if not most trans women have been sexually aroused by crossdressing at one time or another, usually pre-transition, but that does not mean they have a fetish. Studies also suggest — as do my cis girlfriends — that many cis women have been aroused by wearing certain clothes too. To me it makes perfect sense that this arousal might be greater in certain pre-transition trans women, due to both (a) the stigma attached to their so-called crossdressing, and (b) how rarely they get to glimpse themselves as women. Added to which, I hear that many bi/lesbian cis women are turned on by their own reflections (Billie Eilish is the latest to admit it), so why shouldn’t bi/lesbian trans women be too? 
    • VickySGV
      I can give myself a sorta Byline on this one since I was there.   The Los Angeles City Council had its annual session where they recognize and declare June as Pride Month in the city today and The Trans Chorus of Los Angeles was both invited to perform for the council and received an official recognition for its service to the community.     Along with TCLA, a Trans Mariachi Orchestra by the name of Mariachis Arcoiris De Los Angeles  was also honored and did a variety of their musical numbers. Four other Trans community activists and the Connie Norman Center For Transgender Empowerment which is also active in the city through a number of Trans Health organizations and other services to the Trans Latine community and others for our Asian and Pacific Islander populations as well.  Along with some darn big poster sized certificates that were done by the L.A. City Calligraphy department, we also had a good catered lunch which was a combination of cultural foods of the recipients.    The only downside to the day was a group of people protesting a problem with the Los Angeles City Board Of Education which is not even in the City Hall there.  They were noisy but did not interfere or for that matter have any problems with the pride flagged luncheon going on the City Hall forecourt. 
    • BobbiSkunk
      I do like the idea of one quick shock.  Maybe with the rest of my social circle when I feel comfortable.  I am just not a very social person, lol.  Thank you for your input, it is helpful
    • MaryEllen
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