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How Did You Choose Your Female Name?

Guest Dr.Metropolis

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Guest LizMarie

Elizabeth was my grandmother's middle name, the most important woman in our family at that time. Fiercely independent, survived a divorce, raised 2 kids through the Depression, worked as a buyer for a department store, started her own grocery store, and finally built and ran her own hotel for the remainder of her life. If I had been born female I would have had her first and middle names but that fell to my younger sister when she was born. I fidgeted with middle names for a long time - Sarah, Anne, Angelica (Elizabeth Angelica is too much!), and finally settled on Marie as I like the flow and sound of Elizabeth Marie. Eventually I want to be mainly known as just Liz.

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Guest *Andrea*

I was timid to come up with a name alone. I asked a friend of mine to help me find a name that wasn't over the top girlish. I was afraid I might have come up with a name like that. As we talked about it, we kind of fell into a name that resembled my male name. It felt very natural to me and it makes me feel good to hear her call me by that name.

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Guest Cinnamon Girl

My counsellor asked me to pick a name that spoke to me, and this may sound a little bit looney, but since my real self has speaking to me for years, it was easy for her to speak up and introduce herself... myself as Chloe. It was a very unsettling but comforting experience!

So, hi, I'm Chloe!

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Guest VivienCutie

Well growing up I was always called by my middle name but my first name was Roy, and my mother wanted me to keep that in there since I was named after my grand pa. So I changed it to Rori and I go by my middle name Vivien, I got Vivien from old movies I use to watch and I looked up to Vivien Leigh :)

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Guest CandySweet

I always liked that famous Andy Warhol celebrity transgender girl named Candy Darling, and even though the name candy borders on camp, I liked it and Candy is my name when I am a girl.

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Guest Stuck

I haven't told anyone my name yet, way too far away from being able to it seems, but it is actually the name my mom would have named me, if I had been born cisfemale. It actually means the same thing as my given name, but she didn't know that until just before I was born, and my grandpa asked her what the final name candidates were, and he was like "... you know those both mean war/warrior?" and she was like "Uh... no."

I haven't even come close to settling on a middle name... they've always been kind of weird to me, and what little I've come up with doesn't sound right together, or doesn't seem like it fits.

Since I anticipate familial separation when I come out, I've got a last name in mind as well, the street I grew up on, which I sort of got from one of those "Find your pirate/pornstar/rockstar/gangster/etc name" games that people play.

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Guest Stormrider2112

I always liked that famous Andy Warhol celebrity transgender girl named Candy Darling, and even though the name candy borders on camp, I liked it and Candy is my name when I am a girl.

It's short for Candice, of course, right? :)
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  • Forum Moderator

First I used Kathleen for a few years. Got tired of it and changed to Caitlin. When I did the legal name change I wanted something new so I went with Mackenzie. My wife picked out my middle name.

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Guest Emilys_Heart

It was easy lol I took my birth named an added a feminine twist so from Emilio to Emily ^.^ ya kinda easy an sweet & simple

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Guest Elizabeth Marie

Mom said that I would have been named "Mary Elizabeth" had I been a GG. Since there are FAR too many Marys in our family anyway, I decided to reverse it and alter "Mary" to "Marie". I like the name much better.

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Guest paulam

I chose the feminine version of my male name(simple) and Anne as a middle name from a close and dearly loved relative. I like how Paula and Anne flow.

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Guest Robin Winter

I just spent some time thinking of names that I liked, and then spent some time with each thinking of it as my name. If I couldn't comfortably think of it as *my* name after a period of time, I moved on. I settled on Heather and it feels better and better all the time :) I even created a new e-mail and a few other accounts with that as my name, and I don't regret it.

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Guest elainamadisonc

i picked a first name i love and thought sounded girly elaina and the middle name went with the first name beautifuly (:

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Elizabeth2014

When I came out to my GF (now my wife) that I dressed (little did she know), she chose Emma as my name. I kind of like it but... I have thought about Elizabeth when I transition, not sure yet. My mum thought she was having a girl when she was pregnant with me and would have called me Sally. Maybe I could have that as my middle name.

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I have the most wonderful friend. I was able to reconnect with a high school friend on FB after many years and she has been such a God send to me.

After I told her about being TS she said that she wanted to call me Audra. I love my name and I love my friend so much. I am truelyl blessed!

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Guest Lauren W

Mine's quite simple, really. I couldn't think of any names beginning with the letter of my male first name that I liked - admittedly I suck with names - so I looked to my middle name, which is Laurence, after my birth father. Within that is the name Lauren, which I like very much. However, I'm still undecided as to whether or not it'll be the name I end up sticking with. I haven't interacted with my father since I was... oh probably under 10 years old, perhaps 11 or so - I don't really recall - so I actually have no emotional connection to him at all. That added with the fact that he told my mum back before they separated - on multiple occasions I believe - that he would disown any of his children if they turned out gay makes me dislike taking the name.

But that's how I came up with the idea of my currently chosen name, even if it isn't permanent and changes some time in the future, as I'm sure my last name will. Kind of depressing, I know :).

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Guest LauraJen

Mine's quite simple, really. I couldn't think of any names beginning with the letter of my male first name that I liked - admittedly I suck with names - so I looked to my middle name, which is Laurence, after my birth father. Within that is the name Lauren, which I like very much. However, I'm still undecided as to whether or not it'll be the name I end up sticking with. I haven't interacted with my father since I was... oh probably under 10 years old, perhaps 11 or so - I don't really recall - so I actually have no emotional connection to him at all. That added with the fact that he told my mum back before they separated - on multiple occasions I believe - that he would disown any of his children if they turned out gay makes me dislike taking the name.

But that's how I came up with the idea of my currently chosen name, even if it isn't permanent and changes some time in the future, as I'm sure my last name will. Kind of depressing, I know :).

I really like Lauren also. It is one that I have experimented with at times as well. I changed to that last year as Laura does have a few (maybe minor) issues but I ended up changing back because the pull from Laura was too strong. It's no wonder, really - it has been the name I have identified with the most over the years, starting from a young age.

Other names I wouldn't at all mind having either are Lily, Lara, Lucy (or Lucie). That's a lot of Ls. There's also Jenna, Emma and Rachel.

I think I remembered how Jennifer came along as a middle name. I picked it when I registered here. As a username Laura was taken for obvious reasons, so I picked a middle name out of all of the other names I considered as first names and used part of it in the username. I liked the sound of Laura Jennifer and liked the username LauraJen.

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Guest Jocelyn

This a great topic. I chose my name with the help of my So, we looked up names and developed a short list then down to 2. I sat with them for a couple of days and Jocelyn felt the most comfortable to me. My SO first sujested the female version of my name, but my sister has it. My mother was hoping for a girl and pick a name but I cam out a boy so I got the male version of thr girls name. I changed my last name as well to my grandfathers last name because I felt like a wanted to have a nw start as Jocelyn with a new history. Marrie came later it just felt right.


Jocelyn Marrie

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Guest LauraJen

They're all wonderful names ^_^. I love your choice.

As is yours :) Thank you! They are pretty strong contenders, mind. Even to this day I sometimes find myself pondering having one of them instead. Names are hard :-/

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Guest Victoria71

I suppose Victoria Chose me more than me choosing her.

I used to get called Viki at School as a kid thanks to Vicky the Viking and my Surname from birth.

It has always been a Name I have loved and just feels right. It also has an air of Dignity and Royalnes about it.

My new surname I decided on using is acutaly the place I was Born in the UK

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    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Inner demon? I don't think I have one of those...    I do worry some about the future, and sometimes that can make me a bit nippish.  But mostly I am in the present.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      From what I see, the legal system gives wildly varying results.  And the difference between civil proceedings and criminal proceedings changes things as well.  I have never been on a jury, but I have been through the court process after I was attacked in 2022.  The guy was found guilty and sent to prison, but I definitely didn't get a million dollars.  Of course he had basically no property or money that could be taken, so even if there had been a ruling of that sort it would have been like asking for blood from a turnip.  Maybe Summer Bushnell has a lot of money?  Who knows.   I understand that comparing being hurt by lies and being physically hurt and left with some permanent damage is like comparing apples and oranges, and that comparing results from one location to another has similar issues.  Still, it seems strange that one thing is worth a million dollars and the other is not. 
    • Jani
      Very sad about Jim Gordon, such a talent.
    • Lydia_R
    • Vidanjali
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    • Ivy
      So, it's treating this specific "condition" that is forbidden.   Sometimes it's hard to believe how much they hate us.
    • Ivy
      "Sunak and the Conservatives have used the row over gender and trans rights as a key plank of their election strategy against Labour and Keir Starmer."   Just like our GOP   "The change would allow political parties to restrict trans women with a GRC from benefiting from “women-only” shortlists and other measures aimed at increasing female participation."   Guess that GRC won't mean much.
    • Betty K
      I had a difficult weekend. I was upset to hear that the NHS had outlawed puberty blockers and spent much of Saturday in tears. I find the thought of trans kids suffering sooo triggering.
    • LucyF
      from here (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2024/727/made) it states that it doesn't apply if:   "...(5) Condition D is that the purpose for which the private prescription was issued is a purpose other than treatment for the purpose of puberty suppression in respect of gender dysphoria, gender incongruence or a combination of both."   So the ban only applies to specifically for treatment of gender dysphoria/incongruence.
    • KymmieL
      My weekend was OK, Took the wagon to the car show on Saturday. It was quite a few cars. After I just mellowed at home. Not much yesterday. Was feeling a little cruddy. After the wife got home, we took a drive to Centennial for ice cream. Then took the long way home. Went up and over the Snowy range and  back around to the interstate and home. all the while the left side of my face was building pressure, sinus infection. But got home it must have went its course because it subsided.   Decided to put in for the store manage position at our local Sportsmans Warehouse. It was late yesterday evening so nothing yet.   Hugs, Kymmie
    • RaineOnYourParade
      Are they also banning puberty blockers given to cis kids who start puberty too early?    If not, that's not even targeting a medication, that's targeting a use of a medication. It would be like saying if you had a medication perfectly capable of treating both pneumonia and bronchitis, but you're only allowed to use it on one patient or the other. The stupidity is real 
    • Charlize
      Having sat on several juries one realizes how little folks beyond the courtroom know about the decisions made.  The juries conversation about the evidence as presented by the sides involved can be exhausting.  I would hesitate to question a decision especially, in this situation, when the 12 jurors are from a conservative area.    That being said some in the political world are attacking not only the basis of our democracy but now find it advantageous to attack the legal system.  No system is perfect but in my opinion ours works fairly well.     Hugs,   Charlize  
    • Willow
      Good morning    We drove about2 ½ hours to go to a different church’s service.  It was very different, but very much the same.  I went there to meet the minister that will be standing with our minister.  As soon as she saw me she treated me by names and gave me a big hug.  A lot more music and fire and brimstone, but still the same church traditions we had since I was a child.  It is a larger congregation than ours.  But still very homey and friendly..  we were welcomed by all.   Busy week! My son and DIL are coming tomorrow.  I haven’t seen them in quite a while.   but now, I have to go to work.     Willow
    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
      Incling of growth happening, am happy.
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