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Wednesday CNA was rather agreeable today (unusual for her). She basically just stated, "you really need to read your bible."

I answered, "yes thank you, I do!"


She wanted to tighten my bra bands and I told her I don't like them too tight. 

She said, "oh yeah, yours are just fat and not milk ducts so they aren't heavy."


That started into a conversation about how a bra works, and that the band/gore support the majority of the weight. The bands just helps keep things aligned. 


Also, my mammograms say, "scattered fibroglandular tissue" just like a third of women out there. They most definitely have milk glands. 

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8 hours ago, awkward-yet-sweet said:

Like, if that's what "real men" are doing... maybe I'm a poor-quality imitation :?

Comparison can be deadly.  If the 23 year old beauty queen is the standard for women, all others are not real women.  If Jocko Willink is the standard for men, all other men are not real men.


I read an essay about the mermaid and transgender people. There is a statue of a mermaid in a Danish harbor.  She looks wistfully back at the sea, where she cannot go because she is human above, but neither can she walk on the land, because of her lower half.  Psychologists have noted a fascination with mermaids by trans kids.  TG folk, using the mermaid analogy,  can feel like we can neither mountain climb nor explore the depths because of our condition, but there is plenty we CAN do.  As humans we can both climb mountains and explore the depths.


Not all women give birth. Not all men become fathers.  Not all men can pull cable wire all day long, walk iron safely, or heft 600 pounds in a dead lift.  That does not mean they are not men. 

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1 hour ago, Birdie said:

Wednesday CNA was rather agreeable today (unusual for her). She basically just stated, "you really need to read your bible."

I answered, "yes thank you, I do!"


She wanted to tighten my bra bands and I told her I don't like them too tight. 

She said, "oh yeah, yours are just fat and not milk ducts so they aren't heavy."


That started into a conversation about how a bra works, and that the band/gore support the majority of the weight. The bands just helps keep things aligned. 


Also, my mammograms say, "scattered fibroglandular tissue" just like a third of women out there. They most definitely have milk glands. 

Did you ask her if there was anything particular you need to learn from the BIble?  Any particular book you should read? Result she wants you to have? Did you ask her if she is reading her Bible, and what she is getting out of it lately?  What is the Lord speaking to her?


It shouldn't be a one way thing.

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1 hour ago, Birdie said:

She said, "oh yeah, yours are just fat and not milk ducts so they aren't heavy."

Trans women can lactate under the right conditions.

But that's not even the case in your situation.  It's so stupid how they simply refuse to accept your reality.

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13 minutes ago, Ivy said:

Trans women can lactate under the right conditions.

But that's not even the case in your situation.  It's so stupid how they simply refuse to accept your reality.

I wonder about the professional knowledge level here.  Men have milk ducts.  She, as a nurse, should know this.  This is interesting  https://www.livescience.com/45732-can-men-lactate.html  Yes, men can lactate and have lactated, trans or cis.  The idea that Birdie does not have milk ducts or tissue is just plain wrong.  Her statement indicates that she has not looked at the medical record, which she should be familiar with to treat the patient. 

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1 hour ago, Abigail Genevieve said:

I wonder about the professional knowledge level here.  Men have milk ducts.  She, as a nurse, should know this.  This is interesting  https://www.livescience.com/45732-can-men-lactate.html  Yes, men can lactate and have lactated, trans or cis.  The idea that Birdie does not have milk ducts or tissue is just plain wrong.  Her statement indicates that she has not looked at the medical record, which she should be familiar with to treat the patient. 

Yes, my brother was born lactating due to absorbing hormones from my mum. 


Of course she isn't a nurse, she is a CNA. She should however still have general medical knowledge.

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1 minute ago, Birdie said:

Yes, my brother was born lactating due to absorbing hormones from my mum. 


Of course she isn't a nurse, she is a CNA. She should however still have general medical knowledge.

I don't know much about CNAs.  They report to an RN, right?  Can you somehow bring this up to the RN in a way that does not get your CNA mad at you? I'm not saying you should, but maybe that is a good course of action.

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Good evening everyone,

@Birdie your CNA Is ill informed about breast and proper bra fitting.


My wife and I are checking out a campground up in Michigan just a little North of Saginaw, MI. We had a great meal at a local tavern serving delicious perch fillet dinner.


We’re going to check out the Saginaw,MI Bay area for summer time activities for when we come back on occasion. We belong to a camping club call Adventure Outdoors and have free camping at their resorts around Michigan and Ohio.







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I'm actually in Asheville tonight.  Some of the people in the support group invited me for dinner after the meeting.  We're going to get together again tomorrow again.

It's been nice, 4 trans women and 1 trans man, together ar a restaurant.

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Good evening


well I finally finished reading my textbook.  Yeah.  But I still have a lot more to go for the class.  

My endocrinologist always asks me about lactation.  And yes I have had some very small amounts of leakage but not on any regular basis.  I figure I blocked the discharge Duce when I pierced my nipples with scare tissue.  But who knows.  I also get asked about mammograms.  I e had my first or baseline and this fall I will need to schedule my second.


As someone in the midst of studying the Old Testament, I can say that I haven’t found any mention of pending damnation for being transgender or intersex.  The closest it comes is a verse that says men should not wear women’s clothing.  Now I don’t know each and everyone’s particulars, but I know I meet the medical definition of female gender, and even in Ohio, a State that until recently refused to allow birth certificates to be changed, I meet the criteria.  Therefore I can only conclude I am not a man wearing women’s clothing.  But there is a somewhat different scholarly explanation of that law that it should not be taken as literally as the haters want.  Mostly men should not pretend to be women to ex ape from their enemies. Or tried to hide from God.  


Edited by Mmindy
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6 hours ago, Willow said:

Good evening


well I finally finished reading my textbook.  Yeah.  But I still have a lot more to go for the class.  

My endocrinologist always asks me about lactation.  And yes I have had some very small amounts of leakage but not on any regular basis.  I figure I blocked the discharge Duce when I pierced my nipples with scare tissue.  But who knows.  I also get asked about mammograms.  I e had my first or baseline and this fall I will need to schedule my second.


As someone in the midst of studying the Old Testament, I can say that I haven’t found any mention of pending damnation for being transgender or intersex.  The closest it comes is a verse that says men should not wear women’s clothing.  Now I don’t know each and everyone’s particulars, but I know I meet the medical definition of female gender, and even in Ohio, a State that until recently refused to allow birth certificates to be changed, I meet the criteria.  Therefore I can only conclude I am not a man wearing women’s clothing.  But there is a somewhat different scholarly explanation of that law that it should not be taken as literally as the haters want.  Mostly men should not pretend to be women to ex ape from their enemies. Or tried to hide from God.  


You should have a moderator fix what you meant to write as "birth certificate".  Ooops.


I've gone over that verse and am wholly and completely dissatisfied with the SBC exegesis of it, so much so that it was one of the things that helped me break out of a mindset of guit.  Sometime I may strut by stuff as a Hebraist and show what it really means.

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32 minutes ago, Abigail Genevieve said:

You should have a moderator fix what you meant to write as "birth certificate".  Ooops.


Good catch… I took care of it.

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Boyfriend and I our time at my place.Both admit our sex life is good,got intimate for the 2nd time and he is good at it

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Well first day is over and now getting ready for bed soon. Work was OK.


Don't know why but I am feeling down. I am heading to bed. Good Night.



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Good morning 


Now @Abigail Genevieve and @Mmindy what makes you so certain I didn’t mean it to say bee itch certificate?  lol. Thanks Mindy. I was asleep when you saw this and fixed it, and yes Abigail, as a moderator I could have fixed it myself, or weren’t you pointing out the irony of that?


I use Alexis as my alarm to get up.  And I set the ringer to be two guys telling me to get up.  I was so sound asleep when they started telling me to get up that it scared me and my first thought were I had over slept.  Since I have a difficult time getting to sleep as early as I have to in order to get enough sleep I at least cut back my normal awake time to get ready.  But now I have to do my hair and get going.


enjoyed my coffee and a little time catching up


see you all later, for its hi ho hi ho it’s off to work I go.



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12 hours ago, Mmindy said:

your CNA Is ill informed about breast and proper bra fitting.

Amazingly I have found many cis women are absolutely wrong in their assumptions about bra fittings. I knew an elderly lady that said, "I have been a C cup since school, I just buy a bigger band size as my breasts grow." This is completely WRONG as the band should always fit snug with they gore firmly against the chest. 


One of CNA's came into Torrid and I helped her pick out a new bra. She didn't even understand band size was inches and cups/band combo were based off Victorian shirt sizes. 

She said, "how do you know so much?"


We found her proper fitting band size, then found a cup she fit. 


How can people that take the vast majority of bra users know so little about them? Seems most cis women just use "try it on" only. 



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Good morning everyone,


It’s Thursday well as least I took my Thursday Medications as sorted out in my weekly dispensary caddy. Today’s coffee is Folgers Breakfast Blend served HOT, black and strong. My wife and I are going to explore the Western and Southern coasts of Saginaw Bay and hang out in Bay City, MI. today. 

@Willowonce @Abigail Genevievepointed out the word usage in your post. I read it and laughed, enjoying the snarky tone of the comment. Since it was spelled correctly I thought maybe you meant for it to read just as you typed it. Then the kinder gentler me thought it would be better if I changed it. I’m not saying I corrected it, I just changed the severity of the sentence. 






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15 minutes ago, Mmindy said:

Good morning everyone,


It’s Thursday well as least I took my Thursday Medications as sorted out in my weekly dispensary caddy. Today’s coffee is Folgers Breakfast Blend served HOT, black and strong. My wife and I are going to explore the Western and Southern coasts of Saginaw Bay and hang out in Bay City, MI. today. 

@Willowonce @Abigail Genevievepointed out the word usage in your post. I read it and laughed, enjoying the snarky tone of the comment. Since it was spelled correctly I thought maybe you meant for it to read just as you typed it. Then the kinder gentler me thought it would be better if I changed it. I’m not saying I corrected it, I just changed the severity of the sentence. 






I will have arrived when I have a b*tch certificate of my own.  I think someone called me one once.

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32 minutes ago, Abigail Genevieve said:

I will have arrived when I have a b*tch certificate of my own.  I think someone called me one once.




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2 hours ago, Birdie said:

Amazingly I have found many cis women are absolutely wrong in their assumptions about bra fittings. I knew an elderly lady that said, "I have been a C cup since school, I just buy a bigger band size as my breasts grow." This is completely WRONG as the band should always fit snug with they gore firmly against the chest. 


One of CNA's came into Torrid and I helped her pick out a new bra. She didn't even understand band size was inches and cups/band combo were based off Victorian shirt sizes. 

She said, "how do you know so much?"


We found her proper fitting band size, then found a cup she fit. 


How can people that take the vast majority of bra users know so little about them? Seems most cis women just use "try it on" only. 



It's likely most cis-women consider a fitting unnecessary "because they know what  they wear" and get used to the wrong size.  The instructions for what your size is are simple and why go to any further effort?  You measure your bandsize and you measure your max and subtract the two to get the needed info for the cup size.  Then you buy the same size for years until it hurts or something.

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I am in too good a mood to earn my certificate today. I am sure something will happen that will put me on the path to earning it.

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Well yesterday didn't work like I wanted to. I met a guy and started talking and he was wanting to be in a relationship. I asked my kids on how they thought of me dating a man and they said gross and said no. I guess it's time to look for women. I think that is going to be harder. Oh well I guess.  

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Hey, everyone. my life is going down the tubes. at least I think.

So, today. A customer called about his car, I told him that the oil change was done. The parts to fix the check engine light are ordered. He can come and get it. For the weekend if he wants. Customer says I didn't want an oil change. it was check the engine light and check for an oil leak. Checking the work order says oil change. The boss wrote the vehicle up. checking with the customer on services wanted.


Being that I wrote down the appointment in the book. and clearly states oil leak. She is complaining because she can't read my small ish writing. It seems she read oil and assumed it as an oil change. It seems like she is blaming me.  She wound up going home because she was too upset. She is stressing about an eye problem she has, she has to get eye surgery it seems she has a tear in her eye. 


I feel that I am short for this job. because of the BS they are blaming me on. Plus I am still upset about the trust issue. If either one of the bosses start their Shite tomorrow. I am walking out.



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Well it not morning and I haven’t been on her for a while but it’s nice to be back.  Did some catching up on everyone.  I do have a question, how is Toronto Canada for a get away? Is it a safe and friendly area for us to go.  The wife and I are looking for some where to go to allow me to be my true self.  

thanks in advance

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2 hours ago, KymmieL said:

Hey, everyone. my life is going down the tubes. at least I think.

So, today. A customer called about his car, I told him that the oil change was done. The parts to fix the check engine light are ordered. He can come and get it. For the weekend if he wants. Customer says I didn't want an oil change. it was check the engine light and check for an oil leak. Checking the work order says oil change. The boss wrote the vehicle up. checking with the customer on services wanted.


Being that I wrote down the appointment in the book. and clearly states oil leak. She is complaining because she can't read my small ish writing. It seems she read oil and assumed it as an oil change. It seems like she is blaming me.  She wound up going home because she was too upset. She is stressing about an eye problem she has, she has to get eye surgery it seems she has a tear in her eye. 


I feel that I am short for this job. because of the BS they are blaming me on. Plus I am still upset about the trust issue. If either one of the bosses start their Shite tomorrow. I am walking out.



Service manager at goes through that here.One was a belt change in a 2019 Kenworth.It was written on the work order including a service done and I seen it.Customer was a complete a-hole.I did it and said he did not want that done.Shown him the original work order and finally said the service manager was right.My boss had to get rid of two customers,always complained about their bill being a little high.Price of parts went up due to inflation and had to explain this to them

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    • SilasG
      @awkward-yet-sweet I’m happy you GF is going to be okay. I’ve never heard or thought I’d ever hear a “Heart Attack” being called minor. You’ve got the right to be upset with her. She should pay more attention to what she’s eating and take better care about herself. Not only could it be worse than it was, doesn’t she understand the negative impact it’ll have on you and her loved ones if it were more serious. I pray this will be an eye opener for her to take better care of herself. I’m happy she’s going to be okay she’s lucky to have you.    Silas
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, I'm sitting at the hospital tonight.   GF and I were beginning to prepare dinner this afternoon, and she started to get chest pain.  She had a heart attack back in 2021, 2 days after giving birth to her last child.  So, if she has chest pain we take it seriously.  Took her to the ER, and she had a "minor" heart attack.  IDK how any heart attack can be called "minor" but that's what the doctors said.  And she's got an obstructed artery.  So she's having surgery this evening to put a stent in.    Girl just won't learn.  She is so stubborn!  She was told years ago that she eats too much junk, drinks too much, that she ought to have an anti-cholesterol medicine, etc.  She's not really overweight, but her arteries are not in good shape, and she's got heart issues.  But will she change her lifestyle? Oh, no, God forbid she actually live to age 40   I love her, I'm glad she's going to be OK, but I'm also kinda mad at her. 
    • AllieJ
      I'm back!  Such great discussion while I slept!  The right has presented us with a gift in basing their oppression around the term "Gender Ideology" in that it does give us a more concise target to argue. Sadly, while some great points have been raised, we still don't have something powerful to take to a debate.  The APA management admitted part of their reason to place "Gender Dysphoria" in the DSM-5 was to maintain a stream of funding in the US health system, but if the current trend of erasure continues, that funding may disappear. The WHO cleverly re named Transgender as Gender Incongruent, and removed it from their list of mental disorders to be described as medical under Sexual Health as a condition within the normal range of human experience. Trump doesn't like the WHO. Maybe our adherence to DSM-5 is part of our undoing with regard to "Gender Ideology"?   We are a varied community, basing our views on science, art, spirituality, and ideals, but Sally made a great point by saying we need to be a chorus if our song is to be heard. We need to decide which arguments would be most effective in debating "Gender Ideology" to convince, not us, but the viewing public. I roughly divide the public into right/conservatives 30%, left Progressives 30% and those in the middle who vote on the price of eggs 35% this totals 95%, and the remaining 5% are LBGTQIA. If we can win support of the left and middle (and maybe half of the LBGTQIA don't understand us) we have 65% of the public on our side, which should be enough to sway political thinking. Our song needs to win this section of the community, and the danger is that if we don't challenge "Gender Ideology" it will become rooted in our society, so there is a lot at stake!   "Gender Ideology" is garbage, we know that, so we should be able to debunk it!   Hugs,   Allie
    • AinsleyTG
      Just had luch with 3 friends from school at my apartment and now it's time to head to the mall. Shopping with other girls - that a new one for me. 
    • Ivy
    • Ivy
      I wasn't sure where to post this, but I thought it was worth a read.  If the Mods want it somewhere else, that's cool.   https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/02/hidden-history-transgender-affirming-health-care/?utm_source=mj-newsletters&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-newsletter-02-07-2025   "There is a common, ironic, and false justification for restricting transgender health care for youth: that it is “new” and “experimental.” Jules Gill-Peterson, a historian of transgender medical care and an associate professor of history at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, spoke with Mother Jones about how old gender-affirming medical care is—more than a century—and how that history informs the attacks we see today."    
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      This is why we have state's rights.  It preserves the wishes of people in various places.  Texans and Californians, for example, seem to generally have different ways of doing things.  So it makes sense that they get to do as they prefer in the places where they live.  And it also makes sense for people to move to a state where they feel most comfortable.  Choice is a good thing.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Sleep, definitely.  If the world is treating my like crap, I just curl up in my nest and everybody can leave me alone.  I also relax with physical affection from my partners.  I need a lot of touch regularly, just for emotional maintenance.  More if I'm stressed.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      @Carolyn Marie Interesting how they are particular about words.  Slimy like lawyers.    I favor an approach based in personal freedom.  Crush the medical establishment completely, and remove any perception of "authority" they have currently.  We, and humans in general, won't be free until the folks in white coats resume the role of paid service providers.  A lot of incumbent politicians, professors, and "experts" of various fields will need to be permanently removed from their positions and told find some sort of productive labor where they aren't acting as enemies of the people.    If it is my car, I get to choose the mechanic, choose what I want to fix, choose any customization that I want done, and if I don't like it the mechanic can take a flying leap and I'll pick a different one.  The mechanic doesn't get to have a say in my choices, what other mechanics I get to see, how I drive my car afterwards, or anything about other aspects of my life.  The only thing a mechanic is allowed to do is tell me what physically is or is not safe or possible with my car, and what services they offer.  The government doesn't have to subsidize my choices with taxpayer funds, and prices for mechanical services are reasonably affordable.  I can have anything I want, if I pay for it.  The same should be true for my body. 
    • Audrey
      Dear @Birdie, I am dismayed to hear about the latest developments at the day center you are attending. Egregious moments like these will sadly become more common and acceptable if "gender ideology" becomes the basis for policymaking at all levels. I suppose it never occurred to the center's leadership that there are 49 states other than Texas.   About "disorder" vs. "condition" distinction that @Carolyn Marie raised earlier. I wish the health care system could divorce itself from the disease model. I believe part of the intent of DSM-5's "gender dysphoria" replacing DSM-IV's "gender identity disorder" - to address stigma. But since 2013, the vitriol leading to terms like "gender ideology" has increased regardless of what the medical and psychological community has said. I agree that health insurance coverage must be maintained with parity for the treatments we seek. "Gender ideology" seeks to reverse that.   All hope is not lost though. The other day I was heartened by a glimmer of hope that my own insurer has moved breast augmentation out of the cosmetic category and into the medically necessary category.   Love, ~Audrey.
    • Birdie
    • missyjo
      I hope all of us receive such sprinkling of kindness n ..love. they make us feel..human n valued.   hugs to all who want them
    • Ivy
      Why don't these people just come clean and admit that they're bigots?  The self-deception is staggering.  They'd probably feel better if they'd just stop the gaslighting BS. I mean, I can accept that they are.  It's just something we have to live with.
    • Ivy
    • KymmieL
      This mostly goes for nicer weather. I get out and ride. get out on ether the Street glide or the Fatboy. Always helps me relax.   Kymmie
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