Harmful Practices for Transgender People
1Non-Prescribed and "Herbal" Hormones
First and foremost, there is no such thing as an herb that will influence the body's hormone production significantly enough to bring about any change in feeling or appearance. Anyone who says otherwise is either fooling themselves or trying to fool you. Such "remedies" can, however, interact with existing medications or health conditions in potentially fatal ways.
Medication that isn't prescribed by a physician and filled at a regulated pharmacy is equally dangerous. No matter how highly regarded the source is, you can never be sure of the contents and composition of the drug you're taking. You could be getting a sugar pill for all you know, but in many cases the filler content included in black market drugs is actively harmful to human health. You also have no way of knowing how the drugs will interact with existing medications or conditions. Non-prescribed drugs can be fatal.
It's fine to share with us if you have made use of these things in the past. Encouraging the use of "herbal" or other non-prescribed hormone modifiers or medications is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
Medication that isn't prescribed by a physician and filled at a regulated pharmacy is equally dangerous. No matter how highly regarded the source is, you can never be sure of the contents and composition of the drug you're taking. You could be getting a sugar pill for all you know, but in many cases the filler content included in black market drugs is actively harmful to human health. You also have no way of knowing how the drugs will interact with existing medications or conditions. Non-prescribed drugs can be fatal.
It's fine to share with us if you have made use of these things in the past. Encouraging the use of "herbal" or other non-prescribed hormone modifiers or medications is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
2Self-Dosing and Taking HRT Without Medical Supervision
Just as dangerous is deciding for yourself the dose of HRT (or any other drug), or taking any medication not at the direction of a licensed health care practitioner. Doctors will want to run periodic tests to check hormone levels and other values to ensure your hormone therapy isn't damaging your organs or creating the potential for other serious health issues. Dangerous blood clots are a serious concern with hormone replacement therapy, and must be watched for by a proper professional.
Taking medications without routine monitoring by a physician can kill you.
It's fine to share with us if you've engaged in these practices in the past. Encouraging others to participate in this dangerous practice is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
Taking medications without routine monitoring by a physician can kill you.
It's fine to share with us if you've engaged in these practices in the past. Encouraging others to participate in this dangerous practice is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
3FtMs: Improper Binding Techniques
Those who wish to bind their breasts to achieve a flatter chest should do so only with a garment intended for this purpose. Binders are relatively affordable.
Binding your breasts for any length of time puts you at risk of developing lasting - sometimes permanent - damage to your breast tissue. Using bandages, strips of cloth, or any other material that is not a garment designed for binding multiplies this risk exponentially.
You are welcome to share with us if you have bound your breasts in an unsafe way in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
Binding your breasts for any length of time puts you at risk of developing lasting - sometimes permanent - damage to your breast tissue. Using bandages, strips of cloth, or any other material that is not a garment designed for binding multiplies this risk exponentially.
You are welcome to share with us if you have bound your breasts in an unsafe way in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
4FtMs: Over-the-Counter Male Enhancement Products
Some FtMs may be tempted to take over-the-counter male enhancement products such as DHEA and other OTC products of the sort typically found at gas stations and convenience stores. While these may have some effect, their production is entirely unregulated. There is no mandate for formulation nor disclosure of ingredients, which means you have no way of knowing how they'll interact with your existing medications or conditions.
Further, products designed to agitate the testosterone already produced by your body have been shown to increase blood pressure. Unmonitored by a physician, this can lead to serious heart health issues.
You're welcome to share with us if you have made such an attempt in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
Further, products designed to agitate the testosterone already produced by your body have been shown to increase blood pressure. Unmonitored by a physician, this can lead to serious heart health issues.
You're welcome to share with us if you have made such an attempt in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
5FtMs: Do-It-Yourself Breast Alterations
Any action designed to reduce or eliminate your breasts or breast tissue that is not performed by a qualified surgeon is dangerous self-harm and can be fatal.
You're welcome to share with us if you have made such an attempt in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
You're welcome to share with us if you have made such an attempt in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
6FtMs: Rogaine
While there is no documented risk to FtM humans who take Rogaine to stimulate hair growth, there is another concern. Even in trace amounts, Rogaine has been proven to kill felines. Cats have died by simply stepping into a sink that was used to wash the product off their human owner's hands.
If you have cats and are considering Rogaine, please reconsider. As with all other off-label products, you are free to share with the community if you have used it in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
7MtFs: Do-It-Yourself Genital Alterations
Any attempt to remove all or part of your genitalia that is not performed by a qualified surgeon is dangerous self-harm and can be fatal.
Regardless of the method you use, and regardless of its applications in, for example, agriculture, genital mutilation can and does kill those who attempt it.
You're welcome to share with us if you have made such an attempt in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
Regardless of the method you use, and regardless of its applications in, for example, agriculture, genital mutilation can and does kill those who attempt it.
You're welcome to share with us if you have made such an attempt in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
8MtFs: Misuse of Feminine Hygiene Products
Many trans women are tempted to insert tampons into their anuses to feel more like natural women during menstruation. This practice is dangerous and can be deadly.
Not only do tampons absorb the minimal natural moisture of the rectum and colon, there is also a very good chance they will puncture the walls of your colon. Such a wound, if not promptly treated, can become infected. Septic internal wounds can be fatal.
You are welcome to share with us if you have done this in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
Not only do tampons absorb the minimal natural moisture of the rectum and colon, there is also a very good chance they will puncture the walls of your colon. Such a wound, if not promptly treated, can become infected. Septic internal wounds can be fatal.
You are welcome to share with us if you have done this in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
9MtFs: Mimicry of Menstrual Cramps
Some transgender women are tempted to induce abdominal pain to feel more like natural women experiencing menstrual cramps. Regardless of the method used, inducing pain is a form of self-harm and can have long-lasting consequences.
You are welcome to share with us if you have done this in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.
You are welcome to share with us if you have done this in the past. Encouraging others to do so is strictly forbidden by TransPulse, however. Anyone who does so will be banned from future participation in the community.