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" Oh Sally !!!!! Look at that beautiful star cluster on your right!!!!!!

*comm to Dee Jay* *whispers* "Thank you Dear! Luv You! Huggs!"

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Guest Micha

Medical-I need something for a headache! Stat.

It aint medical, but my cocktails can cure about whatever ails ya! ;) *shakes shaker, pours, garnishes*

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It aint medical, but my cocktails can cure about whatever ails ya! ;) *shakes shaker, pours, garnishes*

* comm to Micha * *whispers * " Hi Micha! Hope you are doing well. I think the Captain could use something alright. Please bring Dee Jay if you can. Luv Ya! Oh, and did a bunch of Tribbles and Alderaran shiskey suddenly beam into Ten Forward? "

" Sir! Fleet Admiral Ravenwood on a secure channel for your eyes only. Is that a relative, or you from the future???!!!"

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Guest Elizabeth K

REPORT – (Stardate Autolog Referenced)

Captain, Sir: As Counselor I need to advise you the ship's crew list is in disarray as of 8300 hours Stardate previous log, and it is impossible to run a comprehensive security check prior to disembarkation as per REGULATIONS, so those aboard at that time must be considered as officially assigned crew for the entire voyage W/O security clearance. As the run-time for this mission is open ended, we as the executive crew, must be prepared to deal with a MOTLEE* selection of member's, some of dubious origin.

[*Mainly All Those Losers Easily Enlisted]

I ran a security check and records verification on those known to be included as crew - about 32% of the crew (base upon the projected total ship’s design criteria operational force) are in place. I found 31% are in CLEARANCEDAT - REJECTION STATUS indicated with the marker 'RED LEVEL CAUTION - UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES TO BE ALLOWED STARSHIP ACCESS. Only one person was found eligible - that person was the ship's HR Director who provided me this report (with suspicious corrections to her file).

NOTE: The HR was very rude to me at the time and I intend to ask for her to be written up by her supervisor. Part of my CLEARANCEDAT is incorrect. My application CLEARLY included in my Parole REPORT, those 32 hijacked vessels were not my direct responsibility! I also would like to protest the deduction of 2,667,788 credits out of my Fleet-pay for reimburse for that scuttled transport*.

[*My calculations show I will be required to stay StarFleet Commissioned for 234.6 years to satisfy that debt, which is unlikely to happen. I plan to retire in 150 years, depending on a shared booty disbursement of 10% of MILSAP* - so the fine reimbursement assessment voluntary donation is excessive. And my sources indicate most of the botcrew was salvaged and converted to washing mechs on the USS Compliant. I should not have to pay full damages]

(*Miscellaneous StarAnnual Pay)

In addition, I would like to note officially in this REPORT the fact that SEEKER is one-third staffed, and formally request my pay be tripled.


Captain: Why was my position changed from “Executive Councilor” to “Le Conseiller au Capitaine? And why is the Intership Transport setting in my suite defaulted to “Le Capitaine?” Who reserve-stocked in my name, those 100 cubecartons of 60% Intense Dark – Evening Dream Cacoa Chocolates, with chili and cherry bits (coincidentally my favorite)???

[As a personal note; please! My default setting on the I.T. is “Lady Bug” and I wish it to stay that].

Captain, a discrete inquiry, FYE only. What are these red marked indications on your record for the responsibility of the destruction of the animal test lab on Planet Avon-Calling? Also what is the claim of your involvement for the elimination of the History Storage Records of entire Republican Party History of the historic USA? And what is a “georgebush” and why are there two separate species of this plant?? And is it accurate you cast a vote for M. Gandhi in 207 consecutive United Federation Presidential elections? And the newly discovered missing chapter of the Warren Commission suggests a direct ancestor of yours destroyed vital information – so what is a “grassyknoll? What is a “mafia?” Are these more plant references?

And the references to "crusades" in your resume’? How does the experience as a “nighttemper” apply to your current status?

Please note as LCAC (Le Conseiller au Capitaine) I have access to your personnel files and the vidrecords of your activities at my disposal. What is a Le corset lacé de torture ? And why all the noir Le corset lacé de torture and iron maiden references in the HOLODECK library? What is ‘La foire annuelle de Renaissance?’

Ummmm … An ‘amended report’ to StarFleet of the above information … um… is herein offered for considerations rendered on the 2,667,788 credits reduction to say , 1200 credits max?

Elizabeth Anne Jinkins–Jinklehymer–Schmidt-Loy, LCAC Starship SEEKER

[future consideration to abbreviate either as EAL- Conseiller (formal) or “Lizzy - B of NO” (informal) respectively requested]


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Personal FYE to Lizzy-are you sure you prefer tat i address you as B of NO-I realize it is an honorific but I find myself personally reluctant to apply it

Until that medication from 10 Forward arrives let me just briefly address relevant points in your report

*Only 1 crewmember fit? and that's suspicious??Groan-Call to 10 Forward-Mhe tat a Double and keep 'em coming!*

Your designation of EAL- Conseiller seems reasonabe and is hereby instituted.

And that fine reduction-consider it done! You did say you did NOT keep a personal copy of that report didn't you?

Was that holodeck program intriguing??

Your ally

Captain James

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Secutiry!! We need security for security on the double!! And wear your visor!

Everybody else DUCK!!

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Guest Elizabeth K


I mean... LOOK OUT Donna Jean!

Lizzy - "Beloved of No Other" (B of NO) may be too strong? What about NOLA instead - Ms Lizzy - "New Orleans Lady and Astrochick"

EAL- Conseiller (formal)

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*Captain turns purple and starts to yell-looks at jrm and just sakes his head and drops it to his hands instead with a groan muttering "What have I done? What have I done??". Finishes off the double and calls 10 Forward for a replacement while despondently spitting out one of Dee Jay's black feathers.

Turns to Science Officer -You have the con-I need to go and lie down. Call me when we are approaching rendezvous.

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I love Donald duck!

We might as well add him to the crew he'd fit right in!

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I mean... LOOK OUT Donna Jean!

Lizzy - "Beloved of No Other" (B of NO) may be too strong? What about NOLA instead - Ms Lizzy - "New Orleans Lady and Astrochick"

EAL- Conseiller (formal)

Ah-sorry I was referencing something else entirely-(you wicked, wicked woman0 so of course we will retail B of NO if that is your preference. Was there a problem with your welcome gift and cabin arrangements/ My error-I shhall rectify it immediately and reset the trnsporter to your prefererred co-ordinates.

All my person records did you say??

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In need of any more science officers? *reporting for duty*

*Captain James rushes out from his ready room when he hears those words*

Wecome aboad!! And in regulation uniform1 Congratulations Sir and welcome aboard. We have numerous vacancies in the science section and could also use someone with Starfleet knowledge to serve as Protocol Officer. That would be in addition to your official duties as Science Officer. When you make the acquaintance of our crew you'll understand the necessity.

Please stow your gear and report to the Chief science Officer for assignment

* When Sam's back is turned Captain James does a happy jig*

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Thank you Officer Opal

Actual rendezous has been arranged for 1 :47 minutes.

Astrogator Sally please downlead coordinates

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Guest Jean Davis

Whoo Hooo, I got some directions. :D

(Jumps in the drivers seat)

Let's see what this puppy can do shall we. ;)

(Fuddles with controls)

What's this, it says "Warp" and it goes to level 10. :P

Ok let's try that, B) level 10 (presses button)

Hang onto your hats. :lol:

Whoo Hoo this puppy cooks. :D



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    • Ivy
      I am a bit discouraged these days.  But It does seem to me that our problems can only be addressed when we learn how to work together, and yeah that does mean on a global scale.   Unfortunately it seems to be the case that too many are still only in it for themselves, trying to accumulate personal wealth and power.   Local cooperation is good, and it doesn't seem impossible for it to be had on a wider scale if we can have some respect for each other.  But we seem to be too interested in preserving our local turfs.  A prime example is our current all or nothing politics. We are prioritizing competition over cooperation. I've grown cynical, unfortunately.  I fear we are going to destroy our selves.  Perhaps the future generations will do better.  One can hope.
    • Ashley0616
      They start you off with a low dose to see how the body reacts. It takes time for any results to actually take effect. There might be a placebo effect for now. Trust the process and know it’s not a sprint it’s an endurance. I would ask the NP to see about patches, gel or injections. The pill has known to be worse in the side effects. In my first year I have gained some breast growth. I started as a 42C and now a 42 DD but it’s also probably because I’m big. Weight loss for me is almost impossible. If I could get off my gut and go to hips and breast I wouldn’t mind. Enjoy and congratulations on the start of your new life. 
    • Betty K
    • Vidanjali
      Thanks for that info & yes it totally makes sense.
    • Carolyn Marie
      Yes, I'm one of the Baby Boomer generation you speak of.  I am proud of the "globalists" of the past, who accomplished things like the Marshall Plan, the creation of NATO, the efforts to bring peace to places like Kosovo and the efforts to fight the Taliban and free Qatar from Iraqi aggression, as well as the coordinated efforts in space exploration, and fighting worldwide hunger and disease, including Covid.   There were many, many mistakes made as well, and all my Boomer friends and relatives regret those.  But I don't believe for a minute that the U.S. would be better off isolating itself and turning back the clock 100 or 150 years.  Those were NOT the "good old days" for most people.   I'm not sure what kind of "new republic" you are hoping for.  But based on your prior statements about the world you desire, it is not a republic I wish to live in.  Isolationism is not the panacea you think it will be, @awkward-yet-sweet.  I'll leave it at that.   Carolyn Marie
    • Carolyn Marie
      Thanks for this first-hand account of the festivities, @VickySGV.  Congratulations to the Chorus and all who were recognized.   HUGS   Carolyn Marie
    • Betty K
      Wow, that is a sad story. I am so sorry you had to endure that as a child. As the others have said, yes, you can quite easily be trans and asexual, and many people are. Being trans is not a sexuality, and any suggestions to the contrary are considered fringe beliefs nowadays. Having said that, you would not necessarily “be classed as trans for liking to dress up in lingerie occasionally “. You may well be trans, but a habit of crossdressing now and then doesn’t necessarily make you so; the question of transness goes deeper than that. As the others have said, a good therapist (one who practices the gender affirming model and not so-called “exploratory therapy”AKA conversion therapy) can help you discover the true nature of your gender identity. Only you can know what this is, but it can take the right questions to uncover it.    Just to be clear, studies suggest that many if not most trans women have been sexually aroused by crossdressing at one time or another, usually pre-transition, but that does not mean they have a fetish. Studies also suggest — as do my cis girlfriends — that many cis women have been aroused by wearing certain clothes too. To me it makes perfect sense that this arousal might be greater in certain pre-transition trans women, due to both (a) the stigma attached to their so-called crossdressing, and (b) how rarely they get to glimpse themselves as women. Added to which, I hear that many bi/lesbian cis women are turned on by their own reflections (Billie Eilish is the latest to admit it), so why shouldn’t bi/lesbian trans women be too? 
    • VickySGV
      I can give myself a sorta Byline on this one since I was there.   The Los Angeles City Council had its annual session where they recognize and declare June as Pride Month in the city today and The Trans Chorus of Los Angeles was both invited to perform for the council and received an official recognition for its service to the community.     Along with TCLA, a Trans Mariachi Orchestra by the name of Mariachis Arcoiris De Los Angeles  was also honored and did a variety of their musical numbers. Four other Trans community activists and the Connie Norman Center For Transgender Empowerment which is also active in the city through a number of Trans Health organizations and other services to the Trans Latine community and others for our Asian and Pacific Islander populations as well.  Along with some darn big poster sized certificates that were done by the L.A. City Calligraphy department, we also had a good catered lunch which was a combination of cultural foods of the recipients.    The only downside to the day was a group of people protesting a problem with the Los Angeles City Board Of Education which is not even in the City Hall there.  They were noisy but did not interfere or for that matter have any problems with the pride flagged luncheon going on the City Hall forecourt. 
    • BobbiSkunk
      I do like the idea of one quick shock.  Maybe with the rest of my social circle when I feel comfortable.  I am just not a very social person, lol.  Thank you for your input, it is helpful
    • MaryEllen
    • Vidanjali
      I'm sorry you had to endure that trauma, dear. I also do hope you'll find a good and effective therapist to work through this as you're able. It's one thing to endure abuse and injury, and another for it to rule your life to the extent it does. I hope you'll find your way to greater freedom.   To answer your question,   1. Gender and sexuality are two different things. Yes, they affect each other and even therefore intersect in ways. But they are ultimately two separate aspects of a person.   2. Please be aware that any inference to cross-dressing or transgender necessarily being a sexual fetish is false. Indeed, some folks are sexually aroused by cross-dressing. But it is definitely not a prerequisite to being trans or a cross-dresser.   3. Each of us is free to identify our sexuality as we see fit. I just wanted to point out that asexuality as a "sexual" orientation is different from being sex-averse as the result of trauma. Seeing as you experienced the trauma you wrote about before puberty, that is before you became sexually mature, it may be the case your sexuality was as if suppressed by the trauma. I'm suggesting that as far as asexuality as orientation goes, you may or may not be because your sex-aversion seems to have velied that part of you some way or another.   If you're able to find a therapist qualified in treating trauma and transgender knowledge, it's within the realm of possibilities that many suppressed aspects of your personality may come to light.   And to disclose, I am trans and asexual.
    • Mmindy
      Welcome to TransPulseForums @Mwm684   It’s nice to meet you and I hope you.   Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Madelyn Rain
      Thank you all for your kind replies! ☺️ I should have started I went to therapy on my dysphoria several years. Also, I very briefly mentioned feeling transgender to my dr and that I had been to therapy but wasn’t super talkative about it. That was like a year and a half ago. Since it’s my family physician, I suppose that’s why I feel unsure how to go in. As I have had therapy, plus live in Canada where informed consent will allow me to start hrt, I truly feel it’s my next step
    • Petra Jane
      Once again, we have been asked to bring the following Research Study to your attention which we are happy to do.   Purpose and Scope of Research Study My name is Chloe. I am a Trainee Clinical Psychologist studying on the Clinical Psychology Doctorate at Lancaster University UK. I am reaching out to ask for support regarding a research project I am undertaking to understand how menstrual and gynaecological experiences / difficulties such as Pre-menstrual syndrome, Pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder, endometriosis, PCOS etc impact transgender and gender diverse people (assigned female at birth & above the age of 18). This study has gained appropriate ethical approval and experts by experience have been consulted in the process. The study seeks to amplify personal stories and accounts of the impact of such difficulties. By completing this published research, I hope to add to the knowledge of health care providers so that the care and support available to transgender and gender diverse people is improved. By taking part in the study participants will also be entered into a draw to win a £50 amazon voucher. The study will require a short interview via microsoft teams - the questions have received ethical approval but will be semi structured to be more conversational and to ensure no pressure to answer any question Institution Supervising Research Study Lancaster University - clinical psychology doctorate programme Web Address for Study Participation https://lancasteruni.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3n6uRj1kojcZuqq
    • KathyLauren
      That is entirely up to you.  How much trouble it is worth is something that only you can judge.   In my reasoning, I figured that one quick shock to everyone was less painful to me (and them) than a lifetime of what-the-heck? moments.  My HRT took only about four months to  make significant changes to my face and body.  Had I waited any longer to come out, people would have been puzzled, and some of the questions and comments would have been unkind.  By standing up at a community meeting, or sending out a mass email, I created peer pressure to normalize my transition ("Everyone else knows, too, so it's no secret.").  They could get their gossiping over with quickly and I could get on with living my life normally as the new me.    I took the same approach with my documentation.  Once I was "out", I applied for my name and gender change at the earliest possible moment, so all my paperwork was consistent with my presentation in as short a time as was bureaucratically possible.   But what works for me isn't necessarily what will work for you.  You are in a different country, though it appears to be a less hostile part of your country than some.  You will have to take into account the political and social atmosphere where you live, as well as your own goals and needs.
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