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How Did You Choose Your Female Name?

Guest Dr.Metropolis

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Guest 71christy09

I do not recall how I chose the name of Christy, it was a while ago and one of those things that is still somewhere in a dark corner of my brain. However I do recall my selecetion involved my middle name which is Christopher and a woman by the name of Christy/Kristy. Let me go rummage around my brain some more and see if I can find alll the pieces. :)

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Guest (Lightsider)

Well, the last name I chose is easy. I had a friend who was like a father to me and he passed away in 1998 so I took a form of his first name as my last name. My first and middle? Corina Nicole. Nothing really special went into it other than it fit like a glove on me better than any other name set up and flows perfectly with my last name. Oh the reason I dropped my birth last name? Because it is extremely rare here in the US and any one who has that last name is most likely related to me and because it is rare I knew it would draw un-wanted attention my way.

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  • Admin

I chose Carolyn, because I've always loved the name and it sounds very feminine to me.

The middle name Marie is in honor of my paternal grandmother.

Pretty simple.

Carolyn Marie

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Guest erorave

Henrietta still sounds pleasant to my ears. Well you could say I have a thing for making names since I'm into writing stories and all that. I have also considered the names i thought up for some of my stories such as Fiondel or Ayun(Aye+un like lil' un (how the english say it)) and for my middle name or the extension to my name itll be L'sian (made up. taken from elysian). I dont believe that any of the names i make up have to be conformed to being masculine or feminine

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Guest Dani4Life

I came up with my name (Danielle) fairly easily. My favorite TV show of all time is Stargate SG-1. Back in high school a couple of my friends who also loved the show decided that I looked like Michael Shank's character on the show who's name was Daniel Jackson. So they constantly called me Daniel and I got used to responding to the name. So I figure, Danielle isn't very different and I could easily respond to it. Plus I always liked the name anyway :P

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Guest Rebecca Quentin

I chose Rebecca Quentin. Rebecca just because I think its a very pretty name that I like, Quentin after one of my hero's Quentin Crisp. Because a google on Rebecca Crisp turned up a lot of names I decided on Rebecca Quentin because it seemed more unique (a google showed very few people have this name).

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Guest NaomiP

Originally, I picked Jennifer, but it just didn't seem to fit me very well, so I started thinking about a new name.

I couldn't really think of anything, though, but one day, while watching a little show called Zoids, I saw a character named "Naomi Fluegel."

For whatever reason, I really liked the name, so I took it and ran with it. Although, my friends are apparently too lazy to say the whole thing so they just call me "Nao."

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I haven't decided on a name yet, but I do have a few I'm considering. The top contender right now is probably Sakura. I've thought it was a beautiful name for a very long time, and eventually showed up as the protagonist's name of one of my all-time favorite shows, Card Captor Sakura. The name doesn't seem to be all that common outside of Japan, but I am caucasian so it might feel kind of odd to have a Japanese name, especially since it is probably one of the most common female Japanese names.

Clare is another I'm considering. No real special attachment to it or anything, but I like how it sounds and it is short and simple.

The final name I'm thinking about currently is Precia. It seems to be a rather rare name, which I'm not sure if it'd be a good thing or not, but I like how it sounds. It is latin in origin, so it is exotic, but doesn't sound as out of place to me as Sakura might. I will admit I found this name originally from an anime, which happens to also be my favorite series, but ever since I heard the name I've really liked it.

Ofcourse it'll be some time before HRT will even be an option for me, so names are subject to change, although I've been thinking about these names for years already so I don't think it's too likely I'll deviate from those.

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Guest LightNebula
Clare is another I'm considering. No real special attachment to it or anything, but I like how it sounds and it is short and simple.

Awesome name! :D

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Guest Emily Violet

i chose my name emily cuz well its such a cute name and its the name of my fav comic book characters hehe emily the strange

i also like the name violet cuz its the name of the girl in ultraviolet and its cute i couldnt decide so i made violet my middle name

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Guest BriannaM

When I was 9 yrs old, after about 3 yrs of arguing with my mom, that i was girl, I finally asked her what my name would have been. She looked at me, told me the name u see here, and adamantly demanded i stop talking about the subject. So i dropped it, realized no one was going to believe me, and tried to move on. I just never forgot what she had said, and kept the hope that someday it really would be my name. Now that hope will someday pay off.


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Guest nymphblossom

I am 48 and alot of the fun names that are around today just aren't age appropriate. I actually picked my name without knowing why. It just sounded right. When I first saw this thread a couple weeks ago, it got me to wondering why I chose it. I mean I didn't even know anyone by the name. After quite a bit of head scratching, it finally hit me. I was free to be me. I had no preconceived notions of what the name implied :)


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Guest Kaylin

Well, to be honest I have absolutely no clue haha. :lol: I can tell you that i've always admired the name Kaylin though. People do call me other names too, and they have a mildly funny behind each. One is just Kay because all my friends are lazy on AIM and can't fully type out Kaylin. At first I was against being called Kay, but it grew on me. My other nickname is Kayline. I once accidentally spelled my friend's name as 'Chine' instead of 'Chino.' Now to this day everyone calls him Chine instead of Chino so he started calling me Kayline, and it unfortunately it stuck too. So, yeah, I really have a clue about why I chose Kaylin.

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Guest Marrion

Although I myself am not Transsexual, I have wondered what I would name myself if I were female (or had a choice in naming myself). Alot of the things that appealed to me were very Gaelic-Celtic names in terms of Ethnic origin.

E.X. Guinivere, Gallia, Enya, Fallon, or Diedra.


Here is a website for names if anyone is interested or needs help.

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Guest AllisonD

My best friend when I was 6 had an infant sister named Allison. From the moment I heard the name I knew that was the one I wanted. I got in all kinds of trouble with parents and kindergarden when I first tried insisting that they all call me Allison. It got nasty. My father didn't agree to use it 'till I had it officially changed at 18. My mother got tired of my failure to respond until she used my chosen name and came around while I was still in grade school. Before that, the spankings got a little excessive. Deliberate disobedience and 'gross insubordination' was not tolerated in my family. I'm an Army brat. Confused my little brother for years that sometimes I responded to my given name and sometimes to my chosen name.

Discovering my name was a defining moment for me. I knew about the 'being a girl' thing when I was 4 or maybe 5, but chosing a name somehow made it much more real. Before that it was just a feeling. With a name, it was an identity, I had an identity. Of course I didn't understand all that at the time. But I sure did feel it.

I have been Allison for 50 years. God, I am getting old.


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Guest Donna Jean

Oh my, Allison...that's a lot like me.....

The year I was born my given name (male) was the 3rd most popular. Donna was the third most popular Female name that year!

For reasons known to me...I've been Donna Jean since I was 5-6 years old...Throughout all of these years..(59)

Donna Jean and my given name are almost identical.....I can easily slip back and forth...

But my wife has known me for 45 years and she has trouble calling me "Donna Jean"...it's just a familiarity thing that makes it difficult for her so she calls me Dee Jay.....

It fits me like a comfortable old house coat!

"Here Lies Donna Jean"...AHhhh that has a nice ring to it!


Donna Jean

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Guest AllisonD
Oh my, Allison...that's a lot like me.....

The year I was born my given name (male) was the 3rd most popular. Donna was the third most popular Female name that year!

For reasons known to me...I've been Donna Jean since I was 5-6 years old...Throughout all of these years..(59)

Donna Jean and my given name are almost identical.....I can easily slip back and forth...

But my wife has known me for 45 years and she has trouble calling me "Donna Jean"...it's just a familiarity thing that makes it difficult for her so she calls me Dee Jay.....

It fits me like a comfortable old house coat!

"Here Lies Donna Jean"...AHhhh that has a nice ring to it!


Donna Jean

Donna Jean

Thanks for responding! I am new to web posting and you are my first response. I delight in having an online GF, and that you are a sister MTF, and that you are even my age! Jackpot, first time out. You even have my spouse's name, Donna. Cosmic coincidence.


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Guest Kailey

I had been shuffling through Victoria and Rachel for several months until...

My parents told me last year they would have called me Kailey had I been born a girl (I asked), though my mom was debating over the spelling to be possibly Kaleigh (as you can see I rejected that one :P ).

Right away I knew THAT was me ^_^

In Welsh it means slender (that sure fits me) and in Hebrew origins means laurel (and I'm Jewish and Laurel is another pretty girl's name anyways :) )


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Guest Paula :)

well, my boy name was paul, and i was at my specialist's surgery one day (the first day i went out as a girl) and i hadn't chosen a name yet. when she walked me back to reception, there were suddenly loads of people in the waiting room, and she called me paula, and referred to me with female pronouns, which made me feel so so lovely. that was also the first time someone had referred to me as 'she'. i talked with a little sister about it, and she agreed it worked :) x

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Ashley K

My name, Ashley, was the name my mother was going to give me if I was born a girl. Not only that, but to me, I actually look like an Ashley ^.^

Needless to say, the moment I heard my mom tell me that little trivia about myself, the name stuck.

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Guest Astro_Liz

I don't remember when this conversation happened, but I know when I was young (maybe 12?) my mom told me that "if I had been born a girl" that my name would have been Elizabeth... if only she knew. To be honest, I've always really liked it as well, especially when shortened to "Liz". Oh! I can sign it really pretty to, with lots of loops and a <3 over the "i". :blush: Hey, even if I am a tomboy, I'm allowed to have my girly moments! :P


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Guest S. Chrissie

Mine would be a little different, since my legal name is in 3 Chinese characters. :unsure:

*family name* *generation* *given name*

For my generation, all my siblings (me included) has the word "Yu" (pronounced as 'you') in our name. Not really feminine, I couldn't come up with a given name that goes with "Yu" and my family name <_< So it was a hard one.

Then I remembered how much I loved wind chimes in the past. Those wind bells that are mostly hung at home or temples in Asia. I also loved how it sounded in Chinese and Japanese- 風鈴, pronounced as Fūrin in Japanese and Feng Ling in Chinese. But combined with my family name, it sounded very weird. I wanted to keep the Ling (Chimes), so I started finding a word that goes with my family name and "Ling", then it hit me XD I could "borrow" the generation name from my cousins, their generation name was "Xiao" (pronounced She-aww). That combined with Ling sounded good.

And thus I got my "legal" Chinese name-晓玲, the intended spelling was originally "Xiao Ling" Then one day, me and a friend of mine were fooling around with our high school junior on the instant messenger, I told the junior that my name is "晓玲" and that I was my ("guy me") twin sister. My friend then added "Yup, her name's Sherlyn." And I was, like, :huh: Hey, that sounded good, and it does roughly fits the Chinese pronounciation.

A wind chime

To put it short, that's how I got "Sherlyn" XD Further Googling made me realise it was a spin-off from "Charlene".

And I am planning to be "different" and "westernize" my name into:

*First name* *Middle Name* *Family name*

All 4 of us siblings have an English name too, though it isn't really written on legal papers, it's mostly used by our family and relatives, and our parents named us according to the order of alphabets-



C-Chris (me)


Somehow, they never called me Christopher, only Chris. Thank goodness! So I plan to keep it as a "middle name".

I will either go with "Sherlyn Christine *Family name*" or "Sherlyn Chrissie *Family name*", can't make up my mind yet.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation :mellow: It was a long process for me, since it's not as simple as choosing a right English name for me.



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Guest Janis

For me it was chosen by my parents. I remember when I was a child going though some old papers. I found something with my mother's writing and seeing what she would have named me if i was born female. There were two names Christine and Janis. Given that my birth name is a J name I chose Janis.

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    • Willow
      Good morning   We are going to be attending a different congregation today.  I particularly wanted to meet Cee Cee Armstrong, our minister’s co-moderator partner.  Her church is about 2 hours away.  So we will be leaving in about 30 minutes.  She knows we are coming.   going along with what was written yesterday goes the question “Am I trans enough?”  And all I can say to those who ask that question is that there is no defined answer as to what is enough, just as there is no answer to what is too much.  We are all different.  We are all marching down this road together.
    • Heather Shay
      This is an awesome and needed idea. Thank you @Vidanjali.   I know a young MTF who graduated from college and her parents disowned her and told her not to come home ON THE DAY OF GRADUATION. I reqwuest prayers for her to find comfort, housing and joy.
    • NoEli6
      TW: Violent hate crime   Hi Been... a good long while since I've popped up here. Made some friends. All trans girls. They're lovely and supportive. But one of them... a couple times now, she's made comments dismissing pains of being FtM (such as binder pain) with a response of something along the lines of "well, we (trans woman) get murdered." She gave a lengthy, heartfelt, absolutely wonderful apology for it that I appreciated so damn much. But, -expletive-, man, something about those comments stuck with me I guess? I'm not hurt by what she said anymore because she apologized sincerely and explained she never meant any harm and I wholeheartedly accept her apology.  But something about that... has just been weighing on me. I think it may just be the guilt of privilege? But, a little deeper than that, wanting to be seen for my struggles, too. Trans women get so much coverage and visibility compared to trans men (which this friend has also contested in the past...?) and I think a part of me is just... I don't know, I feel awful because it feels insensitive to imply that "oh, I've got it harder, don't you see?" but I think I just want to be recognized for the fact that I'm SO -censored- scared of being hatecrimed. I don't pass- she does! And yet she talks about how her group gets violently hatecrimed more often and I'm just like... I don't know. She's white, too, as am I, both middle class Californians as well, neither of us are extremely at risk here. I don't even know what I'm feeling here. I just want to vent, I want some advice, I want someone to tell me how to feel. Is it true that trans man rarely ever get hatecrimed? That doesn't feel real.    I don't know if this is something similar to white guilt, just guilt for having privilege, or if this has a deeper root, I'm just so... torn up, for no reason, about these things that she's said.    Part of it could be that she, and my two other friends, are all on HRT, while I've been stuck in a household that won't allow any medical transition till I'm 18 for 3 years and another one to wait. And that I can't talk about that. Because I feel like I'll bring down the mood. And that my dysphoria hasn't gotten easier, I'm still as -toasted- up as ever over it, but I feel the need to sit in silence instead and on top of that have to constantly hear my friends talk about small annoyances regarding HRT that I would KILL TO HAVE.    Now I'm just ranting. I think there's a lot of mixed up feelings here. Let me know if anyone relates to the guilt thing, though. Would appreciate it. Thanks y'all. Sorry for disappearing. Glad to be back. 
    • Nonexistent
      I know it's frustrating to hear, but you have to be patient. 5 weeks is nothing. It can take years to grow facial hair. Even then, you may be unlucky and not get much. Everyone's body reacts differently to T. You just have to be patient and let T do it's thing.
    • Nonexistent
      I've been on T for 6yrs now, my levels are good. But I still don't pass very well, I look very feminine. I have top surgery already.   I can't tell if it's bad luck/genetics or if there is some reason why T might not "work" on me. The only thing it has done well is lower my voice. Everything else, not so much. I have a bit more muscle, and a tiny bit of chin scruff. That's it.   Is there any medical reason why T might not have much of an effect? I asked my PA and they didn't know.
    • tracy_j
      Happy Pride!   Tracy
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you for the welcome. :)   As an adult I don't actually get much (if any) hate directed at me. As a kid/teen I got discriminated against and ostracized. And online is crazy with hatred. But in real life I just keep to myself and that tends to make others not bother you. I think I get a double take from someone every so often, but I don't get stared at or anything. I do get called ma'am sometimes which sucks and is embarrassing.    I like the positive self-talk, saying that you are trans, you shouldn't have the same "expectations" as if you were cis. Some trans people are lucky, some of us are not. I'm not. The only thing I got lucky with is my voice. Everything else, nope.   I will try and remind myself that I'm just trying to live my life, I didn't choose to be born this way, I don't need to be embarrassed of myself in every situation.
    • VickySGV
      A wonderful proclamation that is going to have fur and feathers flying in many locations.  It actually saddens me that we are such a divisive wedge in peoples political leanings and this proclamation will drive that wedge deeper until we can heal those divisions.
    • Desert Fox
      All of this is very validating for me to read, as the issues you have faced are all too familiar to me. The compartmentalization of friends, the double life, the not being considered “trans enough” by the trans community…all have been my experience too. I think that’s amazing you did a workshop on part-time trans living…I would have loved to have attended that!    It does hurt when people, especially full-time trans individuals, and even medical professionals, look down on part-time transgender presentation as not being legitimate. I don’t like being lumped into the cross dresser community even if being bigender more resembles cross dressing, not because I have anything against crossdressers personally, but because for me, I don’t relate to a lot of what I’ve seen in the cross dresser community. If I had felt adequately supported in being able to transition full-time 25 years ago, I likely would have. And even if I had, you still would have never caught me wearing heels and rarely would I wear a dress.   For me, how I live is a compromise and an adaptation of having a feminine spirit in a body with male anatomy and not wanting to take surgical risks, plus not wanting to deny my past history of living male-ish and not feeling comfortable presenting particularly androgynously either. I suppose it is possible that at some point I may change my mind and actually transition…apparently that does happen a lot. Maybe I’m unusually stubborn to have stayed part-time this long. Ultimately for any of us who are not cisgender, any presentation is some kind of compromise and there is always going to be someone who doesn’t “approve.”   Ultimately so many factors go into how ANYONE presents themselves publicly, from their past experiences and their comfort level wearing particular clothes and hair styles, I really think no one is in a position to condemn others. It’s just another version of the same old story of people not accepting others with characteristics different than their own. 
    • EasyE
      i should clarify my E levels are on the high end of normal range for males... and T is low for males... 
    • missyjo
      nevermind...couldn't get it to work..time to change n work out night
    • Adrianna Danielle
      It was a huge relief for both of us
    • Adrianna Danielle
      We have,found out she had a hole in her heart repaired at age 12.She knows heart problems run in my side of the family now.Told her I had stents put in
    • Ashley0616
    • Mmindy
      That’s Fantastic @Adrianna DanielleI hope you’re able to develop a relationship with her. At minimum she knows more about her heritage and possible health related issues.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
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