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Johnny--reading between the lines it seems you are talking about Mindfulness Practice and in particular the mindfulness practice of focusing on our gratitudes. Being mindful of the miracles and blessings in our daily lives. Gratitude always leads to joy doesn't it!


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Robin song heard this morning at sunrise, a sign spring is not far away here....

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Tonight my little girl (age 11) said to my husband's and my girlfriend that she was her only mom now, because technically I'm her dad.

That got her a big hug from me, and a reminder that no matter what I'm her parent and love her very much. I also reminded her that part of why I transitioned was that I want her to always be herself and so had to be myself to set an example.

She is such an amazing kid. I'm one lucky "technically dad!"

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Guest otter-girl

Four weeks til my RLT landing craft hits the beach. Intimidating.

Skipping an electrolysis session Monday to have a weekend off. Realising transition is not my primary focus and that other parts of life are. Trying to remember to keep the momentum going and trying to have a life at the same time. A first glimpse that it's beginning to be normal. Saw some Snowdrops today: beautiful.

American sniper at the cinema tonight.

Be kind to yourself


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It's probably healthier to keep things in perspective and not have transition as the central focus of life when it doesn't have to be.

And I'm totally envious of the beach smell in your car, Megan, even if it is the "funky seaweed" variety rather than "fresh sea breeze." I haven't seen the ocean in like 8 years.

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Guest otter-girl

Megan, Thanks. (nearly typed tanks but it's not that kind of beachhead lol) I love beaches. Sand in your shoes for ages is a bit annoying though :-)

Ravin, very true, and great to hear your daughter and you are doing well.



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I fought my TURF WAR last weekend Meg :) and am victorious, blasted that moss too, and now it's so nice out here, took the bike out for putt, they could never know.....

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Guest MostlySwell

Oh my. I haven't been here since before the holidays! Winter. Bleh!!!!!! Turf wars??? Y'all. It's -4 outside. Yes. Fahrenheit!

A quick catch you up. My name and sex are legally changed and documented. I have a new birth certificate from TX, new driver's license from MN, and most everything else is now up-to-date. I till have stragglers, like Comcast and my education records, but I think that's all. My passport should arrive any day now. Yes. Texas issued a new birth certificate with new sex. The evidence that anything may have been changed is that I changed my last name, so it doesn't match either parent.

Other great news. I auditioned for and got invited to sing with One Voice Mixed Chorus, here in he Twin Cities. We're the largest LGBTA chorus in the country. :lol: I'm a first tenor. My voice is changing! "Squee!" I mean, "hey man, my voice is changing. he he he."

All of that get new, but for some reason, this winter has been really ruff. The only saving grace is that it's so cold that I don't have to deal with my busy body next door neighbor. If anything set me on a downward spiral, it was her, somehow or for some reason deciding that I needed her pity, so she brought me plant and then baked me brownies. I think what was really going on was she wanted to ask me twenty questions, having heard from my other neighbor that I was official with the name change. Has anyone else had neighbors being jealous or feeling left out because one was their court witness and the other was left uninformed? I bet that's what her problem was. Anyway, it was really awful, because I told her I was "people out" and declined an invitation to go over for dinner. Then she shows up with a plant and then again with brownies. "People out" means leave me alone and give me space. I texted her that and now there's this awful deadweight silence between our households--and it's made my going outdoors to take my dog out or go to my car seem terribly awkward. Ugh. Anywayzzzzzz, aside from this unbearable thing going on with next door (she's done similar things before--sending me job opening informations, knowing I have a disability and wondering if maybe I wasn't working because I didn't want to mess up my benefits. yes. Same person. Busy body.) Bleh. lol I guess I needed to get that off my chest!!!! Thanks!

Speaking of chest, I have a second chest hair! I discovered it this morning. lol

I feel better already. Thanks for hearing it!

Missed y'all.

Turf wars.... grumble grumble That's so ridiculous it's funny. But, I'll be in the same boat in just a matter of weeks.

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Guest MostlySwell

Embarrassed by my rant. Ugh. I give that stuff way too much power. :thumbdown::hairpull:

There are so many cool things going on for me. :)

And, I hope my comments on your "turf wars" were understood as humorous jabs. ;) I have good reason for living here--it's affordable and I have really good access to brain injury health care. February is hard. But that y'all are getting a handle on the weeds early in the season is awesome!!! :thumbsup:


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Well instead of worrying about weeds and moss it is snow here. Today seems to be the beginning of a big thaw. We have had a few small flows of maple sap and have blocks of frozen sap in the collection house. I only know that because i plowed a path through the woods yesterday with the tractor. The last snow we got was quite deep and i couldn't use the 4 wheeler to get there without plowing. I just got back from digging a path to the sugar house which is about 1000 yds from the house. Fortunately the heart seemed OK which i'm happy about. Soon the mud will be the problem but for a few days i'll be sliding on white stuff until it turns to muck. Oh yes i am also the mom of a bunch of kid goats. The small nursery stalls i built this winter seem to be working fine and even though the last few nights have been around 0 they have been ok. At least two more does are bread and perhaps i'll also have a few surprises as well. We often do. Spring is always busy here with physical demands. That is a bit hard but it is also full of such beauty.

We have plenty of ground dwelling wasps here as well Megan but they are still a bit chilly. I'll be confronting them in August. My son has taken over the work with the honey bees i'm glad to say. He is a public defender so he's used to getting stung.



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I'm so sorry Megan. You get to leave them behind when you leave the restaurant but they are stuck living with someone like that full time. I know who has a better life.

It isn't just reserved for trans people either. When I was severely overweight it got to where I hated to go out to eat because of the comments and looks. Sadly human nature goes both ways and produces some narrow judgmental people eager to throw the first stone as well as those who make life better for all around them. In the end though I believe we reap what we sow. I never met one of those judgmental people who was anything but bitter and unhappy.

I'm sorry they cast a shadow on your meal.


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Guest MostlySwell

Well said, Megan and Johnny, both. Thanks for the reminder to live one's life freely and no how to maintain an attitude that is impervious to phobic and hateful tendencies from others.

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Guest ashleynikole

Oh I know that feeling and I hate it.

Just this past Monday, I was out with my girlfriend and kids while one of my girls had a hockey class. We were standing at the snack line when I caught a glimpse of a woman at a table about 20 feet away staring at me. Of course she looked away but I saw her doing it again in a few minutes and at one point she even leaned over to the older lady sitting next to her and said something and that lady of course turns her head and stares right at me.

After about 5 minutes, another woman sits down with these two ladies and she's less graceful about staring and gossiping as she darts her head up and looks around a lot until she locks on to me and then stops looking around and stares. At that point, I was walking by and I gave her the biggest, nicest, "I know you're talking about me", smile that I could muster. They never said a thing to me but to sit and stare and whisper is flat out rude IMO.

It's so funny that you can have your ebb and flow days where one day you don't give a rat's butt what others think, or say, or do, and then some days, even the most innocent stare is like daggers to the heart.

Still journeying


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I was in a restaurant with friends one time and this one woman tried to stare me down. I just kept on eating and enjoying the night. If she didn't like me that was her problem.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest otter-girl

Hi Megan,

Im holding on that last line of yours " not to give up on people - they can come around in time."

Im out and RLT now and being quite sensitive I see and feel the "elephant in the room" situations. But these are offset when people who have known me making the effort to approach and re -affirm their connection and offer support. These top quality human beings offset a herd of non-entities.

One casualty might be my sister who is afraid of her husbands opinion and has distanced herself for now. Had to file that in the 'not my problem' box and just see what happens.



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Guest otter-girl

Under strange 'firsts' you can get later in life is I'm starting to throw out some female clothes that I've actually worn out. Like a pair of socks that have a hole in the heel and a top that is looking really tired now.


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I have done some of that as well Rachel. Older tatters can go. I have also been doing a kind of purge. I had amassed a great many outfits and so many of them were unwearable for various reasons. There were those whose style isn't me at all, some that are simply too sexy for a 66 year old woman and even some S+M outfits from when i was spending some time experimenting. All of this can go, i'll never wear it, but somehow it is still difficult to let go. This is the kind of a purge i should perhaps enjoy but i'm finding an old attachment still lives within me. The solution is a few large garbage bags and a trip to the recycling center. At least now i'm holding my head high without the shame that was always attached to a purge.

Mmmm maybe i'll hang on to some 5" spike heeled thigh length boots and a short skirt or two. I mean halloween will come again.



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Filter the bubbas, It's like dude, I just don't exist for your benefit....

Smile away goodbye....

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Guest otter-girl

Now I used to really be into computers back in the old 8-bit days. Im talking pure assembly language. I used to crack software, could look at pages of hex dumps. Anyway roll on a few years/decades sigh. Installing a scanner on Fedora linux. Should be really easy. But nope, hit problems. Spend an hour on the command line and web trying different software and fixes, then it dawns on me.....




I forgot to plug the USB cable in.

Im gonna blame this on hormones. ;-)


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Guest TGTrish

The memories, back in the '80s I wrote more Z80 code than I want to think about, including a real-time OS for arcade games. The dual register set was so nice to have.

I still write x86 code using NASM now and then.


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Guest TGTrish

Did my taxes about three weeks ago. Unfortunately my wife's employer didn't deduct enough. 4/15 is a (I have to) payday.

Who needs vacation anyway,


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    • Mikayla2024
      LOVE IT!! 💯💯💯
    • Ivy
    • Lydia_R
      I'm 53yo as I write this.  I have been on a M->F transition journey for several years.  My last two female partners died in 2017 and in 2019 and I've been single since then living alone in my medium small sized house until 5 months ago.   For various reasons, mostly financial, I opened my house up to roommates even though my house is technically a one bedroom house.  Since then, I've had 3 Gen Z transwomen live with me off and on.  They have brought their transwomen friends over.  Last week I had a new transwoman friend over who is just a couple years younger than me and we had a good cuddle together.  I dated an older transwoman last year for 3 months.  I had another Gen Z transwoman over a couple weeks ago.  And there is a transman who has become a friend and has been over several times and might be by today.   You can go back to my first posts on this site and read about how concerned I was that transitioning would make me even more isolated than I had been.  And I have been very, very isolated for several decades.  But obviously quite the opposite has happened.  I don't know how representative of the larger world what I see in my house is.  I've played music with almost all of the people that have come through my house.  Most of them are excellent musicians and playing a style on acoustic instruments that is a new sound for me to listen to.   It certainly hasn't been perfect either.  For various reasons, the living arrangement here has been a struggle.  Finances have been a problem for all of us.  I think every last one of us has lived in cars for extended periods of time.  Anyway.  I'm in reflection mode closing this scene down.  Last week was frantic with packing, inventory and cleaning.  I'm mostly in relaxation mode now.  It's 11:07am.  I just finished lunch and I'm a little sleepy.  I've only been sleeping 4 hours a night for the last 3 months because of a crazy unpaid work situation I've been in, so perhaps I'll treat myself to a nap and try to get back to a healthier sleep schedule.  It's been a whirlwind of activity this year and much of that is going to continue on for me.   I feel blessed to have the virtual community on TGP and this physical community in my home.  I wasn't quite expecting this aspect of transition.  I think the first thing my last GT said to me was "you should find some transgender community online."  The first 2 GT I had didn't work well for me and I dumped them pretty quickly, but my last one did great with me.  She always pointed out that I was pretty well adjusted.  It's not like this transgender experience needs to be some mental crisis or medical problem.  I haven't seen my GT in probably 7 months now mostly because of financial problems, but I'm doing fine with it all.  She did a really good job guiding me through this journey.   Just so you know, I tend to not ask questions much unless someone is saying something that I am interested in and have an idea for clarification.  I tend to just spill my guts about things and think that others do that as well without being asked questions.  So....   What has your experience been like meeting other transgender people?  What does the community feel like in your environment?  Is this just crazy liberal Portland stuff or are there pockets of this all over the place?   Hugs, Lydia
    • Ivy
      I think I do live in the moment - perhaps too much sometimes.     As for the demons…
    • Ivy
    • Ivy
      It certainly can be.  But it doesn't have to be.   The sports always come up, it's kinda the gateway.  And yeah, it's not simple.  I think there is no blanket solution for that one.   I also think there is no blanket solution for HRT.  As such it should be left up to the individuals involved.  I don't think puberty blockers, and hormones should be given out like candy - especially to kids.  However, with counseling, and the involvement of the parents and doctors, the state should stay out of it.  For a trans person there is an advantage to starting fairly young.  I wish I could have.   The idea that the human race will die out if we let people transition is ludicrous.  Cis people have no desire to transition and I expect there will still be plenty of people with the urge to [procreate] to keep things going.    Trans people may be more visible these days, but trans people have always existed.  And the last I looked, there are still enough people around to screw things up.
    • Mmindy
      Good afternoon everyone,    While I’m here late today, my morning was filled with tasks. I hope your Monday is going well and you have a wonderful week.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Vidanjali
      Grievous, illogical, counterproductive, and shameful. If ciswomen truly require protection via government policy, then by the same token so do trans people. Both the feminist and trans communities essentially want the same things - access to healthcare; autonomy over one's own body to benefit from that healthcare; freedom from violence and discrimination; and the right to be as they are regardless of status quo societal expectations, stereotypes, myths, and biases. These so-called protections do nothing but enforce patriarchal domination while further splintering communities who, logically speaking, SHOULD be allied as not only do they fundamentally have the same goals, but a wealth of knowledge and experience of how to organize and achieve.
    • Justine76
      I was just thinking about how I present in dreams the other day. Interesting topic for sure. In many of my dreams I'm often depersonalized to some degree; like a camera or observer not fully integrated with the content. When I am 'me', I'm usually much younger, late teen'ish - young adult. But gender doesn't seem to come into play much. If anything, I'm agender in most dreams.       
    • Lydia_R
      Commenting on this kind of thing is a very delicate business for me, but I have strong feelings about it all.   I think my problem with commenting on it is that I feel it is a fairly complicated subject and I would have to write a lot to cover the entire topic.  I don't just blanket support trans rights.  I follow the logic of "our" antagonists.  I think that especially, transgender sports is a "problem".  I'm not at all a sports person beyond enjoying board games, bike rides and throwing a frisbee.  But I can see the point of having transwomen competing along side cis gendered woman being an unfair advantage.  Not this this subject is directly related to this thread....   This thread mentions treating a "condition".  I dislike the label "gender dysphoria" and would never use that to describe myself in the same way that it would be very unlikely that I would ever call myself disabled even if I was confined to a wheelchair.   I was a proponent of marijuana legalization in the 1990's and still am to some degree.  I disliked the term "medical marijuana" and choose not to participate in that system.  When recreational marijuana became legal in Oregon, I eventually went to a store and bought some.  I was in my mid-40's and by that time was so sober and health conscious that I didn't want to hurt my lungs or really even feel intoxicated, so it really didn't do much to me when I smoked it and I didn't smoke much of it or spend any significant money on it.  The law allows us to grow 4 plants, so I did that several times.  I enjoy the process and the smell of the fresh leaves and buds.  When I harvest it, and then smoke it, it's the same thing.  I don't want to hurt my body or feel intoxicated.  So the jar of it sat on the shelf and I got the idea of burning it for incense.  I love the smell of it and it was fun to burn it.  It's been several years since I've done that, but I'll likely do that again some day.   This article also mentions classifying puberty blockers along with cocaine and heroine.  They are all chemicals to consume and in that regard could be considered a medicine.  Food, sugar and caffeine are also chemicals to consume as is paint fumes.  Gun violence is absolutely awful, but you can certainly kill someone pretty quickly with a metal shish kabob or a letter opener.   So, do these arguments, laws and proposed laws hold any water?  Is there something wrong with puberty blockers?  Is the problem that young people are making permanent decisions about altering their body in a synthetic way that destroys their ability to have children?  Is the goal of government to promote a growing economy that is based on population growth?  Is the problem that people are afraid that if a large portion of people experiment with these chemicals and procedures, that population will drop to a point and we'll enjoy not having children so much that we as a species will go extinct?  I'd say that that last argument holds some water, but that we are hardly in a position to go extinct any time soon.   Is the problem that we are afraid that these young people will regret their decisions that kill their fertility and will miss out on getting meaning from life from having children?  If people aren't getting meaning from their children, can they find it anywhere else?   Or is the real problem that people are triggered by distasteful cross dressing?   One of my favorite movies is Easy Rider and the line that Jack Nicholson delivers "they have this scissor happy beautify America thing going on."   I think that stereotypes exist naturally.  Discrimination is a natural thing.  We use color and smell to discern "good" objects (food), from "bad" objects.  It's a material universe.  All objects have borders starting with the round stars and planets.  There is good food and bad food, isn't there?  But we can use that logic as a weapon.   So, what can we do about it?  What can we, as members of the transgender community, do about these laws?  I mentioned in another thread on this site I believe....  Yes, it's here:   https://www.transgenderpulse.com/forums/index.php?/topic/90578-what-do-you-think-is-the-biggest-block-to-lgbtq-acceptance/#comment-856442   Perhaps it is just my personal culture with the whole thing, or perhaps there is a bigger thing going on in the world.  I'm a musician who does not like playing concerts.  I enjoy making solo music for my website.  My last roommate and I got into a lot of intense political discussions and he mentioned that virtually everybody goes to the grocery store.  So that is the most public place there is.  We also got into discussions about different sections of the USA doing a segregation type of thing.  I certainly perceive my environment in Portland Oregon to be a liberal place and all 4 of the transwomen who have lived with me this year said they moved here from the south for the acceptance and medical care.  Is segregating the country like this a dangerous road to go down?   And this kind of thinking can go on and on and I certainly want to mention abortion now and then press on to environmental issues and indigenous cultures.   As someone who claims to be sober, is HRT a designer drug and I'm actually not sober at all?  My driver's license says female on it.  Should I be paranoid about using the women's bathroom?  All the stalls in there have doors on them.  And hooks.  I passed some WPATH steps sincerely.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Inner demon? I don't think I have one of those...    I do worry some about the future, and sometimes that can make me a bit nippish.  But mostly I am in the present.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      From what I see, the legal system gives wildly varying results.  And the difference between civil proceedings and criminal proceedings changes things as well.  I have never been on a jury, but I have been through the court process after I was attacked in 2022.  The guy was found guilty and sent to prison, but I definitely didn't get a million dollars.  Of course he had basically no property or money that could be taken, so even if there had been a ruling of that sort it would have been like asking for blood from a turnip.  Maybe Summer Bushnell has a lot of money?  Who knows.   I understand that comparing being hurt by lies and being physically hurt and left with some permanent damage is like comparing apples and oranges, and that comparing results from one location to another has similar issues.  Still, it seems strange that one thing is worth a million dollars and the other is not. 
    • Jani
      Very sad about Jim Gordon, such a talent.
    • Lydia_R
    • Vidanjali
      I had an inspiring weekend. Our vet detected a large splenic mass in our beautiful husky Saturday morning requiring immediate emergency surgery. We transferred her to the hospital our excellent vet recommended where she had a successful, uncomplicated surgery to remove the spleen and mass, and stayed over one night without any post-op complications. We were able to bring her home last night and she's so happy and content. So now I'm focused on nursing her through her recovery. Throughout this episode, after an initial brief feeling of panic, I found my mind calm, focused, and optimistic throughout. I spent time meditating and being with my girl in spirit while she was still in the hospital. She is so brave and strong and good. I thank God for the mental stability I've developed through grace which was tested this weekend, for the superb healthcare providers we are blessed with, for the means to be able to afford healthcare, and for the life of this amazing girl who is the embodiment of sweetness, determination, and endurance. All so very inspiring. We await the pathology report, but I have not been dwelling on that. Just so blessed to be together with this girl.
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