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Good morning All. Coffees on.


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1 hour ago, Davie said:

Tired but thrilled to flying on wheels again. Just rode around the park a few times—going to work on it gradually, but I'm back and happy. Don't sign me up for the Tour de France just yet. 

Hey that’s great Davie. What kind of a bike do you ride?  I certainly couldn’t even make a single stage any more but I’ve done a metric century.  Add a second day after camping and it was an American century in the horse country of Virginia.  As a family we used to ride most weekends anywhere from 30 to 65 miles on country roads or paved trails.



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@WillowWow. You're a countryside touring biker. That was never me. I'm usually a city commuter, using it for errands, daily traveling to events, and for visiting friends. It's a year-round challenge in Boston traffic and weather. Now, you're more often to see me slide into ride-share cars or walk, but my hybrid Trek 770 is back on the road, lights a blazin'.

cheers, Davie  

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Good morning!! A wet start to the weather today so, of course, the dogs have to want to sniff everything that's passed through the yard in the last 6 months. 🙃 1st cup of coffee is circulating through my bloodstream...so I should be starting to wake up any time now.


Enjoy the day!!!!

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Good morning everyone,


@April MarieI'm sure you know the dogs sniffer, is the social media link to their world. How many times have you re-watched a Reel or TiKTok? I love the way you've jumped into the conversations here, and other threads. Welcome, and nice to meet you here on the forums.


Since the wife, and I were gone on our historical trip through the Southern Louisiana Purchase, and Nashville, TN. All the bird feeders were empty to the very bottom. Yesterday's restocking was after the normal morning feeding time, and the bird were slow to return. This morning every feeder is active, and a few migrating species are back. A pair of Bluebirds, and four cow birds are back.


The coffee is also welcome flavor in the house, with Folgers Black Silk. Other than McDonald's McCafe coffee, I really can't find consistent coffee on the road. We saw so many fantastic sites, and monuments in our travels. The highlight my wife can't stop talking about is our experience in fine dining, at Emeril Lagasse's New Orleans restaurant. We mentioned to the Matradee, that our granddaughter was attending the Culinary Institute of America (CIA), in Hyde Park, NY and he mentioned it to Olivier the Director of Services, a graduate of the CIA. Olivier, came to our table, and asked about our granddaughter, and her experience at the CIA? From that point on, we were treated like VIPs, Chef EJ. Lagasse sent out a special appetizer that wasn't on the evening menu. We had an amazing five course dinner, then Chef Lagasse came to the table, and offered us a tour of the kitchen. Wow! It was amazing, then he even signed the menu for our granddaughter, offering her an Externship to learn, and study there with them. OMG! Did I mention the food was incredible, and the table service was top notch too.


Hugs, stay positive, and motivated,



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Good Fat Tuesday morning 


the day we pig out before Lent.  I ran out of raisin bread a day early.  Both of us liked it so much.  I won’t make another until after Easter.


@Mmindy that sounds amazing.  What a wonderful dining experience.  

@Davie many years ago I broke my tailbone riding on the Mount Vernon trail in Alexandria Virginia.  After that I tried everything to be able to continue to ride, gel seats. Gel granny seats. Gel pads over gel seats. I couldn’t sit a saddle.  Then I tried a recumbent.  OMGosh, what a difference.  I could ride again.  I have two bikes now one is a true recumbent and the other is a hybrid crank forward upright but with a recumbent style seat.  If I’m ever to do a long ride again it will be on my recumbent.  The only issue I’ve found is the uphills are all legs and you’d better start down shifting early.or you will end up dismounting.  When we lived in Fairfax County, Virginia we would ride the rail to trail all over.  100s of miles of interconnecting trails and not the least was the W&OD Canal tow path.  That was 160 miles beginning to end.  Never did that end to end in one trip but I’ve ridden all but the last 20 miles up near Cumberland Maryland.  Country road or trail riding is so peaceful and relaxing.


I halve a therapist appointment today.  Not much to discuss, things have been going my way these days.  I’d stop going altogether but my endocrinologist kind of insisted I have a therapist and not just on call.  I guess since he controls my E I have to do as he says.


Well, the dog is waiting on her morning constitutional.


Until later



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@MmindyThank you so much for the welcome. The forum is like a haven for me where I can learn and share. Not even two months into this new life and still winding through the intricacies of both me and my wife adjusting to it - still bouncing between real and past me - I'm basking in the glow of being among people who understand me. And, I try to find ways to provide at least some small measure in return for all I've gleaned here already. 


What an amazing dining experience!!! I've known several CIA grads over the years and they were all tremendously talented chefs - your granddaughter must already be quite the chef to get accepted there. Your description of the evening just gave me another Bucket List item.

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Speaking of Fat Tuesday, my wife and I decided to be a little decadent this morning. We got out of bed, washed our faces, grabbed our slippers and sweatshirts and drove to our local Krispy Kreme donut shop in our pajamas. Of course, we went through the drive-thru - grabbed a dozen donuts and came home to enjoy 2 each with coffee. Perfection.


Enjoy the day!!!

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@April Marie you remember Lays “you can’t eat just one?l. Applies to “hot now krispy creame” twice as much.

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1 minute ago, Willow said:

@April Marie you remember Lays “you can’t eat just one?l. Applies to “hot now krispy creame” twice as much.

Oh, you are so very right. I can hear the remaining donuts calling out my name from inside the box. The Siren's Wail!!! 😄


I've been working hard on getting my weight down a bit - have shed almost 20 ponds so far and am getting close to my goal - but I know tomorrow is NOT going to be a happy scale day. Life is short, eat the donuts!

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Good morning, everyone! Dogs have been walked and fed and I've already finished that first cup of coffee. It's Ash Wednesday - so those remaining Krispy Kreme donuts will continue their Siren's Call from the box since it's a day of fasting. 🙂 


Be safe and happy!! 

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12 minutes ago, Andrea Nicole said:

"faith in humanity restored"

Good morning everyone,


With over 42 years of responding to 911 calls, teaching in Fire/Police Academies, as well as many military bases across the USA. I have a strong faith in humanity, as well as our young adult population. Even on my worst calls there was a neighbor, or total stranger as a passerby who started first aid, or protection for the injured. My distrust in humanity fall on our politically driven so called leaders. The day to day people I've met are mostly good. Andrea, I hope you see the good in people around you, in your community, and not just on YouTube.


The coffee is brewed,:coffee: and I'm getting ready to shut down the laptop, and take an extra long weekend fishing trip with family and friends.





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1 hour ago, Mmindy said:

The coffee is brewed,:coffee: and I'm getting ready to shut down the laptop, and take an extra long weekend fishing trip with family and friends.


Travel safely and enjoy your fishing trip, Mindy.

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1 hour ago, Mmindy said:

Good morning everyone,


With over 42 years of responding to 911 calls, teaching in Fire/Police Academies, as well as many military bases across the USA. I have a strong faith in humanity, as well as our young adult population. Even on my worst calls there was a neighbor, or total stranger as a passerby who started first aid, or protection for the injured. My distrust in humanity fall on our politically driven so called leaders. The day to day people I've met are mostly good. Andrea, I hope you see the good in people around you, in your community, and not just on YouTube.


The coffee is brewed,:coffee: and I'm getting ready to shut down the laptop, and take an extra long weekend fishing trip with family and friends.





I couldn't agree more - heroes come in all shapes and sizes and appear, seemingly, out of nowhere when they're needed.


Have a great weekend with family!!!

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2 hours ago, Mmindy said:

My distrust in humanity fall on our politically driven so called leaders. The day to day people I've met are mostly good.

This is true.

Most people I meet are okay even if they don't understand my life.

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Good morning 


Unfortunately, I won’t be able to go to our Ash Wednesday service.  There is a community meeting with the local district police captain and my attendance has been requested.


There aren’t any sweets in the house so no issue with that.  A dozen Krispy Creams hnever last more than three days here.  No willpower or willow power when it comes to chocolate or donuts.


I also have a company here today working on my screened porch and screen door.  I try not to interfere but I do not like shoddy workmanship and whether they see what I’m complaining about or have their own idea of a quick cheap fix remains to be seen.


Today is a two cup day.  And right now it’s dog walking time.


oh and this afternoon is Mexican Train Dominoes.


until later



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Hi @Willow,  Sorry to hear about  you not being able to attend Ash Wednesday services. Even as a Calvinist whose denomination doesn't have services on Ash Wednesday, I always try to attend one (Episcopal or Catholic) as I find them to be very moving.


Like you, I don't like shoddy workmanship, so I tend to snoop whenever I'm having a repair made...


And I believe that  both choclate and donuts are food groups... 😊



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Just got home from my trans support group in Asheville.  I'm not crazy about the drive, but it is certainly worth it to be with other trans people.

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12 hours ago, Willow said:

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to go to our Ash Wednesday service.  There is a community meeting with the local district police captain and my attendance has been requested.


Sad that you can't go to service, but hopefully your community has something useful in mind.  Has there been trouble in your area?


Thankfully, I was able to go to service this evening.  There's always something on Wednesday evening, although during Lent and Advent the services are of a more seasonal nature and attendance increases. 

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Finally made it home. with yesterday being great then today was a PITA. Halfway across NEB. started getting snow. the farther west We got the worse it got. Wound up going the long way to get home. Went down into COL. then up Hwy 287. Went about 75 extra miles. What ya gonna do when the road is closed. The 22 Toyota 4runner we rented worked great, even only being 2 wheel drive.


Great to be back home. Sleep in my own bed.



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Good morning everyone!! Morning routine is done - walk the dogs, feed them, give them their morning treats and then enjoy my first cup of coffee. Next up is reading the local newspaper and catching up with the world news. We are going to go out to do a little shopping today, get some lunch and see a movie. 


@KymmieL - glad you are home safe and sound!!!

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Good Thursday morning morning 


First chores of the day are done.   Water reservoir on the coffee maker filled, made my cup and emptied the dishwasher.  Now I am sitting down to enjoy my Costco Bold Keurig black coffee.


@KymmieL so glad you made it home safely. You mentioned a car but I thought you were going to be driving a truck? Or was it a car AND a truck?  

@awkward-yet-sweet yes we have had some issues of crime in the neighborhood.  We have a mini restaurant row out front. So we get some noise from that.  But we also get people who will part in their lots after they are closed and walk into our neighborhood.  The check cars for unlocked doors and anything visible worth taking.  Some are bold enough to check homes for unlocked doors.


But our local police precinct Captain was talking about what was going on around us and what not to do and what we can do.  

It seems that the three major gangs are active in our area, MS13, Cinaloa and the Russian Mafia.  Besides drug dealing they are into human trafficking and gun running.  We have one of the major north/south highways that bypasses interstate 95 so it is easy for them to get here and leave.  They are slowly getting pushed out but they will never be gone.  To many people come here looking for a good time and they find it.


Apparently self protection in the form of CWP is also growing and SC is considering an open carry without training bill right now.  Currently only people with a cwp can open carry.


our temperature hit 80 yesterday and it’s supposed to be even warmer today.  I stuck my foot on the pool to gauge the water temperature.  I think it’s going to be fine by opening day.  (Spring break/Easter week)


I have other chores to get done then my day is mine.  








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We thought about getting a Uhaul but decided to have someone else do the driving so we got a ABF trailer and loaded it. Nothing we need right away. SO we kept our rental 4 runner returning it today here in town.


even in back in my own bed couldn't sleep in. But glad to be home. I peg out my anxiety meter yesterday. but I wanted to get home.  I hopped in the shower and was able to finally shave N2T felt good back to being a girl again.


Oh, tried to get my sheltie again. Wife,"what if I tell you I don't want another dog." I purposely back tracked some yesterday to go see a cute tri female. never made it. Was shot down eating breakfast. I didn't push it.




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    • Carolyn Marie
      Don't touch those chickens, AYS, unless you've got gloves on, and don't let them near any cows.   Carolyn Marie
    • Carolyn Marie
      I think everyone, including Rep. Green, realizes that this impeachment isn't going to go anywhere.  What concerns me is that it isn't really serious, and neither is the "proposal" by the Oval Office inhabitant.  I don't think members of Congress, of either party, should be initiating a very serious action for a half baked (or unbaked) "proposal."  Nothing has been initiated, no military or other action has been done, nothing has been set in motion.  All that has happened is that The Guy held a press conference and said something most people consider unworkable at best, and plain stupid at worst.  That is not a valid rational for impeachment.  If it was, every 3rd or 4th press briefing in the modern history of the White House would have resulted in the same.   There will be plenty - probably 4-6 or more, actual things done by this President over the next four years that will be deserving of impeachment.  We should wait for one of them, and not this ridiculous press briefing that was just an excuse to get his face on the front page for three days and spout drivel.   Carolyn Marie
    • Lilis
      @Heather Shay thanks! 💗   For me, emotional healing begins with self compassion and acknowledging my feelings without judgment.   Setting boundaries to protect my well-being is just as important. Too many times, I’ve placed my heart in the wrong hands, and losing pieces of myself in the process can be deeply painful.   Healing, like everything in life, comes with its ups and downs there will be both good and difficult moments, but each step forward is a step toward wholeness.
    • VickySGV
      I would suggest that you  call or visit your nearest LGBTQ Center for recommendations of safe nightclubs in your area.  I have visited your area and know that there are a good number of night clubs there that welcome Cross Dressers where you can meet the others in person.  You might also check with your Chamber of Commerce there in Ft. Lauderdale since they have encouraged CD conventions over the years even with your governors POV on things.   
    • Davie
      Al Green, a Texas representative, says Trump proposal to ‘take over Gaza’ is a ‘dastardly deed’ amounting to ethnic cleansing and he's filing impeachment articles against Trump. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/05/al-green-trump-impeachment-articles-gaza
    • Davie
      Texas representative filing impeachment articles against Trump over Gaza plan. Trump proposal to ‘take over Gaza’ is a ‘dastardly deed’ amounting to ethnic cleansing. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/05/al-green-trump-impeachment-articles-gaza  
    • MaryEllen
      I'm a bit confused here. You say you're waiting to see the letter F on your birth certificate, yet you stated on your profile that Female is your birth gender. Would you be so kind as to clarify this inconsistency. Thanks.   MaryEllen
    • JackieLynn
      Finding out my legal name and gender change hearing will be on the 18th. I already did do the paperwork last month sending that in. Came in the mail today and cannot wait to see Jackie Lynn and the letter F on my birth certificate
    • MaryEllen
      Yes, please do note that we are not a sex or dating site. The following is from our Community Rules.   Please note that TransPulse is not a sex or dating site. Anyone attempting to use the site for those purposes will be immediately and permanently banned.
    • Carolyn Marie
      Welcome to Trans Pulse, @Michelle Mendez.  Please have a look around the various Forums for good advice and a chance to meet other members.   I do want to caution you that this isn't a dating site.  If you want to share personal info with any members you must do so via PM and not in the public forums.  Thank you.   Carolyn Marie
    • April Marie
      Welcome to the forums, Michelle!!! I'm sure you'll find like-minded people here who will share information with you. Feel free to wander around, aske questions or just jump into conversations where you feel comfortable.   You may also want to drop by the introductions forum to tell everyone a little about yourself.
    • Sally Stone
      Hi Gloria,   I think it is so incredible that you are approaching this in such a positive way.  Heather and April have already made good recommendations, so all I can add is that as your relationship progresses, maintain open and honest communication.  I have been married for more than forty years and my wife and I attribute our success living with my feminine side primarily because of healthy and honest communication.  We have had a few rough patches over the  years but we have always gotten through them by communicating with each other.   I wish you and your boyfriend the best of luck.
    • rhonda74
      Government agencies scrub LGBTQ web pages and remove info about trans and intersex people *This also includes disabling social media accounts that support about lgbt+ I hope we still have a place here by this Friday night.  
    • Michelle Mendez
      Hi I new and just looking to meet like-minded people like me. I'm a straight guy that likes to dress up to the nines completely but have no other crossdressing friends or real women to do it with. I would love to find people near me to get all dressed up and maybe go out where that is acceptable but I do not know where and no one to talk to about it.  I'm straight so people like me would be great and genetic women also to help me on that journey.  Thanks Michelle 
    • VickySGV
      It is the easy, weak target, just like a beer can on a tree stump, or yes, the side of an abandoned barn.  Although more in line with the target practice used on the road side memorial maker to a murdered teenager from years ago. When we get enough meaningful laws prosecutions and jail sentences for batterers and killers of Trans people and that type comes to realize it, they sadly will go onto another marginalized group on any pretext they can find. 
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