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    We offer a safe, inclusive community for transgender and gender non-conforming folks, as well as their loved ones, to find support and information.  Join today!


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      A list of How To's for our Forums.


      NB: You may reply to a Topic, just not start a new one.

  2. Issue-Specific Support Forums

    1. Suicide Prevention

      Most transgender people have attempted suicide at least once in their lives. If you have, please lend your support here to those who are having a bad time now. Suicide is never the answer. If you are suicidal, call the Trans Lifeline at (877) 565-8860 in the US or (877) 330-6366 in Canada. In the UK, call the Samaritans free on 116 123, or log in to our live chat room and ask to speak with a crisis moderator.

      • Lydia_R
    2. Alcohol Abuse Support Forum

      A support forum for those who have problems with alcohol.

    3. Drug Abuse Support Forum

      A forum to get help and support if you have drug issues.

    4. Sexual Abuse and Assault Support Forum

      If you have ever been the victim of sexual abuse, molestation, violent sexual assault, or other sexual violation, you will find help and support here.

      • Wicked juggalo
    5. Cutting and Self-Harm Support Forum

      Cutting and other forms of self-harm are an epidemic among transgender teens. This is a support and prevention forum to discuss issues related to these topics.

      • Betty K
    6. Eating Disorders Support Forum

      A forum to discuss and get support if you have - or think you have - an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, or compulsive over-eating.

    7. Victims of Hate Crimes and Violence

      This is a forum to discuss hate and violent crimes against transgender people. It is also a place for victims to talk about what happened to them and gain help and support. Nearly 95% of crimes against us are never reported. If you are a victim, please report it here.

  3. General Transgender Forums

    1. General Forum

      You may discuss any general topic here.  Religion and politics discussions must be held in their appropriate forums only.

    2. Introductions Forum

      Welcome!  Tell us about yourself!

    3. Military Veterans and Active-Duty Service Members

      A place for transgender military veterans and active-duty service members to discuss experiences, benefits, and laws that affect us.

    4. Coming Out

      A place to discuss coming out to family, friends, and co-workers.

    5. Research Studies

      From time to time, TransPulse approves academic research studies to solicit input from our community.  Information on these studies will be posted here.


      Researchers: You MUST ask permission to post your Research Study BEFORE registering.

    6. Member Poetry

      You may post your transgender-related poetry here.  Any poetry posted must be your own and any copyright held must be held by you.  Copyright infringements will be removed as soon as a moderator becomes aware of it, without notice.

  4. Transition Support Forums

    1. General Transition Issues

      This is a dual-gender forum for both FtMs and MtFs. Issues discussed here affect both groups, such as the WPATH Standards of Care.

    2. Therapy and Therapists

      Forum to discuss therapy and its effects.

    3. What Am I? I'm Not Sure.

      New to the site?  Not sure of your identity?  You are not alone.  This is a forum without judgment.  Ask your questions without fear.

    4. Androgyne and Multigender Forums

      Androgyny is marked by characteristics of both genders resulting in a non-gendered or gender-neutral appearance.

    5. Crossdresser Discussions

      A discussion group for crossdressers.

    6. Female to Male (FtM) Discussions

      A place to discuss topics related to transitioning from female to male.

    7. Male to Female (MtF) Discussions

      A place to discuss issues related to transitioning from male to female.

    8. Intersex Discussions

      An intersex individual is a person (or individual of any unisex species) who is born with genitalia and/or secondary sexual characteristics of indeterminate sex, or which combine features of both sexes.

    9. 991
    10. Passing As Your Target Gender

      A discussion forum about passing as your true gender.

    11. Hormone Replacement Therapy

      A place to discuss hormone replacement therapy and its effects.

    12. Transition Product Info

      This forum is for information about and reviews of products you use in order to feel more authentic during your transition.  Packers, breast forms, whatever it may be - share your experiences here.  Remember, we do not allow advertisements or sales pitches.

    13. Real Life Test Discussions

      A place to discuss transition: legal, workplace, name change, driver's license issues, and more. Tips and tricks on getting through a year or two as another gender.

    14. Transgender Surgeries

      The place to talk about gender affirming surgeries you've had or are planning to have, get physician recommendations, and more.

    15. Post-Op Discussions

      A place to discuss specific issues or general living after undergoing sex reassignment surgery.

    16. Transgender Issues

      A forum for discussion of general transgender issues.

    17. WPATH Standards of Care

      A place to discuss the existing standards of care and how they apply to us.

    18. Health Issues

      This forum is a place to discuss the various aches, pains, and other complaints we all have.  Please avoid playing doctor or applying your diagnosis or treatment to other members' situations - only a visit to a qualified health care professional can determine the right course of treatment.

    19. Diet and Exercise

      Many people understand that it is difficult to lose weight after starting hormones.  This a forum to discuss diet and exercise during and after medical transition.

    20. Fashion

      A place to discuss fashion for all members, including clothing questions, sizing, and more.

    21. Beauty

      Discuss beauty and cosmetics tips and tricks here.

    22. Transgender, Transsexual, Crossdresser Teens Forum

      This is the place for any Transgender Teen to post. Topics may be posted only by member aged 13-24, however any member may reply to offer Support. No exchanging personal info, real names, addresses, email or phone numbers.


      To post a new message in this forum you must be aged 13 to 24, or a moderator, ages may change later. Any member though may post a PUBLIC reply and we encourage them to give you the benefit of their experience. Sexual issues may not be discussed in this forum.

  5. Career and Workplace Issues

    1. Job Search

      Searching for work is one of the biggest challenges faced by the transgender community.  Here you can ask for advice on the process.

    2. Academia

      If you're a student or if you work in the education field, this is the forum to discuss issues surrounding your work.

    3. Corporate and Office Environments

      This forum is a catch-all for the nine-to-fivers, whether you're an administrative assistant, an executive, or anywhere in between.

    4. Health Care and Social Services

      If you work in health care, social services, hospice, or another related industry, your workplace questions can be addressed here.

    5. Law Enforcement and Emergency Response

      Law enforcement and corrections officers, firefighters, EMS employees, dispatchers, and others who work in emergency response can use this forum to discuss their workplace issues.

    6. Service and Hospitality Industries

      Retail, food service, restaurant, hotel, and other service industry employees can find help with their workplace issues here.

    7. Other Fields

      If your career field doesn't have a specific category above, you can get advice on workplace issues here.

  6. News, Activism, Politics, and Events

    1. News

      This is the place to discuss news topics that affect our community. Discussions related to politics and activism should be posted here as well. This is also the place to list upcoming conferences and other gatherings.

    2. Uplifting News

      A place for news and events that lift the spirits.

    3. Politics

      Discussion forum for political topics, both general and specific to the transgender community.

      This is a forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate.

    4. Transgender Activism

      Transgender activism and protests.

    5. Events, Conferences, and Gatherings

      Events and conferences of interest to the trans community.

  7. Spirituality

    1. Buddhism


    2. Christianity

      Christianity, all sects.

    3. Mormonism


    4. Hinduism


    5. Islam


    6. Judaism


    7. Two-Spirit

      Two-Spirit faiths, both Native American and other.

    8. Wicca


    9. Other Faiths

      Other religions and spiritual beliefs.

    10. Non-Deistic Spirituality

      Non-deistic spirituality.

  8. Entertainment

    1. Movies

      Discuss and review movies.  Nothing beyond an "R" rating.

    2. Television

      What do you - or don't you - like on TV, cable, and streaming services?

    3. Theatre

      What do you - or don't you - like in or about the Theatre? Are you involved with your local AmDram or a professional Actor?

    4. Jokes and Humor

      Jokes and humor. Keep it clean. No ethnic or other derogatory jokes. What makes you laugh?

    5. Games and Gaming

      Board games, card games, video games - you name it.  What do you play?

    6. Books

      Books and book reviews, favorite authors, favorite genres, and more.

    7. Stories Written by You

      If you have written a story, or have ideas for a story, that you would like to share with others, then this is the place for them.

      Please remember that they must be PG13 or under.

      If you use other's characters, then a disclaimer MUST be added to the start of the story, something along the lines "I do not claim <character name(s)> as my characters, I'm just borrowing them and receive no income from doing so. All copyrights are freely acknowledged and respected."

    8. Videos

      A place for your YouTube and other video links.  PG13 or below.  No underwear shots.  People must be fully clothed.  Instructional videos related to the trans community should also be posted here.

      Note that profanity in such videos is not allowed, we wish to remain a clean site, viewable by all. Whilst we accept that once a video has played, many other videos are shown over which you have no control over the content of these.

    9. Music

      What sort of music do you - or don't you - enjoy?

    10. Artwork

      This is for your artwork, not someone else's copyrighted art.  Because of bandwidth limits, you should use the insert image option and link to the image on your Photobucket, Imgur, or other storage account, or your own web space.  Images uploaded to the forum will be deleted.  Images must be site friendly / age-suitable or they will be deleted.

    11. Gadgets and Tech

      This is a place to discuss the ever-changing landscape of technology.

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  • Recent Posts

    • MaeBe
      I am shocked. In a good way.   We had a potential realtor for our home sale swing by and in conversation the realtor asked to clarify my name, she thought it was "Mauve" and I gave her my chosen name. Later my wife referred to me with MY CHOSEN NAME! She's been great, but the name thing has been a struggle. Even with the situational prompting it was nice to hear her say it.   Back to grilling dinner. Just needed to smile in words!
    • Ivy
    • KathyLauren
      Likewise.  For me, the start time is 22:00 ADT, so it's a late night.  But I enjoy the meetings so much that I stay on for an hour.  Finding a time that works for everyone around the world (several of the "regulars" are in Australia) is tricky.
    • VickySGV
      I get a picture here that many of the injuries were from physical violence, and not from the respiratory and eye irritant.   I cannot tell from what I am reading whether this was simple any large crowd or specific to Anti-LGBTQ H8, the problem is that there have been enough threats against LGBTQ people that something can accelerate in all the wrong ways and become a thing of terror.   I was supposed to be at a Trans Pride event yesterday, had tickets and food reservation in, but I could not find parking anywhere close enough to actually get in at the time I was due to be there.  I did not end up attending and simply had to drive home.  The folks I was to have met up with have since told me that the venue was super crowded but they had no problems other than crowd size. 
    • Ivy
      When I first came to TP I was using the name "Jandi."  It was a combination of my birth name (which I always hated) and the name most people knew me by.  It was kinda given to me accidentally by my ex, but there was a bit of negativity involved.  But it sounded kinda femme, and worked for me at the time. (I still get mail addressed as such) But the negativity was still there.  I decided to go with something else if I wanted a legal change.  I had been using "Ivy" for about a year in a private situation, kinda to try it out.  I actually had a tattoo of an ivy vine running up my leg.  I don't know if I thought of Ivy as the "real" me or what.  But I started to use it more openly, like on here, and it still felt right. When I changed it legally that's what I chose.  Ivy is not related to my deadname at all.  I also chose a new middle name, and even slightly changed the spelling of my last name.   My ID says "Ivy" (F) as does my birth certificate, and passport.  That guy doesn't live here anymore.  
    • Ivy
      I guess they don't really know if this was intentional, or mere stupidity.
    • Carolyn Marie
      https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/culture/things-to-do/baltimore-pride-parade-block-party-injuries-7WOMWL344VHS3FQHFYPM77PTSA/     I hope all of the injuries are not serious and everyone will be all right.   Carolyn Marie
    • MaeBe
      What a journey you have with your name! It's pretty wonderful, the whole idea, dark and stormy and then there's light and beauty that breaks through!
    • Ivy
      I'm actually retired so I'm free most of the time.  I don't usually stay up real late though.  The 21:00 EDT meeting is a bit later than I would prefer.  I'm not usually a night person. I understand how the different time zones can complicate things.
    • Sally Stone
      I watched this documentary on Fuse television last week.  It is the extraordinary love story between Asia's Next Top Model host and her transgender spouse.  It is truly "must see TV."   https://www.fuse.tv/v/our-transgender-love-story/001500d7f9ce8a73978c18a3f52d35be    
    • Ivy
      I'll answer to "Dad" but I prefer "Ivy" in public. I don't know what they say when I'm not around.  Most likely "Dad."   The one that doesn't let me around her kids texted me Happy Father's Day this morning.   (She doesn't want them (middle school) to be "confused."  Seems like not having me around anymore would be confusing on its own.)
    • Jani
      @AllieJ In retrospect I can agree that life would have been so much simpler if this hadn't occurred.  But it has and I am very happy, and content. 
    • Sally Stone
      Wow, April.  There is such depth to the story behind your name.  Thanks for sharing.
    • April Marie
      Hi, everyone! I'll start this here because Susan's original offers a wonderful description of the purpose and process of the Zoom meetings. At some point, I'll probably start a new thread if this doesn't capture comments.   I've been asked to train as a host for ZOOM meetings. The intent is to offer an alternative to the current Saturday evening meetings in order to, hopefully, give other members here at TGP and opportunity to participate. I have family coming to visit for a few weeks so I anticipate training around mid-July and then beginning to host a weekly meeting sometime right after that.   I've been participating in the current meetings and have truly enjoyed the opportunity and interaction. They are low key, fun, filled with discussion of a wide range of topics that changes weekly and is based on what people want to discuss that evening. There's no set agenda; it's free-flowing and fun.   You can join or leave at any point so don't feel that you have to commit to the entire time that will be scheduled. The Saturday night meeting typically last for 3 hours or more but there's no set requirement for the meeting I'll be hosting.   My hope in starting a discussion here is to get some idea from our TGP members who might be interested and what time(s) would be most convenient/productive. Feel free to either post here or drop me a PM if you're more comfortable doing that.   I am really looking forward to getting the Zooms going and hopeful that many of you will opt to give it a try. I'd love to get to know you all!!!
    • Carolyn Marie
      Our son calls me his "Parent," and that suits me just fine.  We still celebrate Father's Day, but since my son fled the nest it isn't such a big deal.   As much as I wish I had transitioned early in life, I would not have experienced the joy and blessings of having a child, and the privilege of watching him grow to be a handsome, intelligent and talented young man.  For me, not getting what I wished for turned out to be the true gift.   Carolyn Marie
    • April Marie
      I originally chose my name to have a negative connotation. When I was deep into dysphoria, depression and full of guilt wondering what was wrong with me, I decided to give "that other person" who drove me to have these strange thoughts and desires a name. I chose April Rhaynes - April is my birth month and the Rhaynes (rains) was meant to evoke the dreariness that often comes with the heavy rains and flooding we get during that month. I hated that "other" person for what she was doing to me and how she filled me with fear and guilt.   Finally breaking down and entering therapy I came to understand "that woman" was really me and so I needed to rethink the name. In the end, I stayed with April but it came with a new meaning. April is the month where we typically see the beginning of Spring. Trees and flowers begin to bloom, a time of renewal and rebirth. It is also often the month in which Easter falls so the name offers hope and forgiveness - things I desperately needed.    And, so, I kept April as my name. The Rhaynes portion is still part of my Gmail address but I can also ascribe the same positive vibe to the rains of April.
    • Ivy
      Welcome Jay
    • Ivy
      I was thinking abut posting a thread on this. For those of us that are MtF, and have kids, How do you feel about it? As a woman of transgendered experience it seems a little strange sometimes. My kids are all grown now.  But I do have a daughter (late 20's) that stays here at my house.  She calls me "she" and all that.  But I guess I still am technically her "father."   I just got to thinking about it yesterday.  Is "Father" gendered?  Sounds like a weird question. Anyone else have thoughts?
    • missyjo
      thanks friends   currently mom wants me to telephone but not visit. no talk of the elephant in the room, my transness..   siblings texted that mom wanted calls n not their job to facilitate..so they sound like they want out, plus 1 said I'm not looking forward to seeing you in a dress either .. then you won't, ever..but that means you won't see me again.   oh well, happy Sunday hugs
    • Charlize
      Happy Dad day.  It can be odd for those of us who are trans but wonderful.  Funny to have gone from Grandad to Granndy.   A wonderful life finding self.   Hugs,   Charlize
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    2. EarlGreyAtlas
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    3. Eva LaFey
      Eva LaFey
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