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      • Lydia_R
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      • Wicked juggalo
    5. Cutting and Self-Harm Support Forum

      Cutting and other forms of self-harm are an epidemic among transgender teens. This is a support and prevention forum to discuss issues related to these topics.

      • Kait
    6. Eating Disorders Support Forum

      A forum to discuss and get support if you have - or think you have - an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, or compulsive over-eating.

    7. Victims of Hate Crimes and Violence

      This is a forum to discuss hate and violent crimes against transgender people. It is also a place for victims to talk about what happened to them and gain help and support. Nearly 95% of crimes against us are never reported. If you are a victim, please report it here.

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  4. Transition Support Forums

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      This is a dual-gender forum for both FtMs and MtFs. Issues discussed here affect both groups, such as the WPATH Standards of Care.

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      Forum to discuss therapy and its effects.

    3. What Am I? I'm Not Sure.

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    4. Androgyne and Multigender Forums

      Androgyny is marked by characteristics of both genders resulting in a non-gendered or gender-neutral appearance.

    5. Crossdresser Discussions

      A discussion group for crossdressers.

    6. Female to Male (FtM) Discussions

      A place to discuss topics related to transitioning from female to male.

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      A place to discuss issues related to transitioning from male to female.

    8. Intersex Discussions

      An intersex individual is a person (or individual of any unisex species) who is born with genitalia and/or secondary sexual characteristics of indeterminate sex, or which combine features of both sexes.

    9. 987
    10. Passing As Your Target Gender

      A discussion forum about passing as your true gender.

    11. Hormone Replacement Therapy

      A place to discuss hormone replacement therapy and its effects.

    12. Transition Product Info

      This forum is for information about and reviews of products you use in order to feel more authentic during your transition.  Packers, breast forms, whatever it may be - share your experiences here.  Remember, we do not allow advertisements or sales pitches.

    13. Real Life Test Discussions

      A place to discuss transition: legal, workplace, name change, driver's license issues, and more. Tips and tricks on getting through a year or two as another gender.

    14. Transgender Surgeries

      The place to talk about gender affirming surgeries you've had or are planning to have, get physician recommendations, and more.

    15. Post-Op Discussions

      A place to discuss specific issues or general living after undergoing sex reassignment surgery.

    16. Transgender Issues

      A forum for discussion of general transgender issues.

    17. WPATH Standards of Care

      A place to discuss the existing standards of care and how they apply to us.

    18. Health Issues

      This forum is a place to discuss the various aches, pains, and other complaints we all have.  Please avoid playing doctor or applying your diagnosis or treatment to other members' situations - only a visit to a qualified health care professional can determine the right course of treatment.

    19. Diet and Exercise

      Many people understand that it is difficult to lose weight after starting hormones.  This a forum to discuss diet and exercise during and after medical transition.

    20. Fashion

      A place to discuss fashion for all members, including clothing questions, sizing, and more.

    21. Beauty

      Discuss beauty and cosmetics tips and tricks here.

    22. Transgender, Transsexual, Crossdresser Teens Forum

      This is the place for any Transgender Teen to post. Topics may be posted only by member aged 13-24, however any member may reply to offer Support. No exchanging personal info, real names, addresses, email or phone numbers.


      To post a new message in this forum you must be aged 13 to 24, or a moderator, ages may change later. Any member though may post a PUBLIC reply and we encourage them to give you the benefit of their experience. Sexual issues may not be discussed in this forum.

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    1. Job Search

      Searching for work is one of the biggest challenges faced by the transgender community.  Here you can ask for advice on the process.

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      If you're a student or if you work in the education field, this is the forum to discuss issues surrounding your work.

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      This forum is a catch-all for the nine-to-fivers, whether you're an administrative assistant, an executive, or anywhere in between.

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      Law enforcement and corrections officers, firefighters, EMS employees, dispatchers, and others who work in emergency response can use this forum to discuss their workplace issues.

    6. Service and Hospitality Industries

      Retail, food service, restaurant, hotel, and other service industry employees can find help with their workplace issues here.

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      If your career field doesn't have a specific category above, you can get advice on workplace issues here.

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      A place for news and events that lift the spirits.

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      Discussion forum for political topics, both general and specific to the transgender community.

      This is a forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate.

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      Transgender activism and protests.

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      Events and conferences of interest to the trans community.

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      What do you - or don't you - like in or about the Theatre? Are you involved with your local AmDram or a professional Actor?

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      Jokes and humor. Keep it clean. No ethnic or other derogatory jokes. What makes you laugh?

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      Board games, card games, video games - you name it.  What do you play?

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      If you have written a story, or have ideas for a story, that you would like to share with others, then this is the place for them.

      Please remember that they must be PG13 or under.

      If you use other's characters, then a disclaimer MUST be added to the start of the story, something along the lines "I do not claim <character name(s)> as my characters, I'm just borrowing them and receive no income from doing so. All copyrights are freely acknowledged and respected."

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      A place for your YouTube and other video links.  PG13 or below.  No underwear shots.  People must be fully clothed.  Instructional videos related to the trans community should also be posted here.

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    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, I met my two trans friends accidentally.  One was part of the nursing staff when I was taken to the hospital after being assaulted.  She figured out what I was pretty quickly, and stayed near me and we became friends.  My husband helped her find a place to rent near where we live, because she was looking for a change, and now she's a nurse at our county clinic.  My other trans friend was somebody my husband discovered at a job site.  She was in distress, and he figured out that she was trans and brought me in to talk with her and help her feel comfortable.  She's quite a bit younger, but we're pretty close.  My first friend offered her a place to stay, and being roommates has ended up in a romantic relationship for them, which is pretty cool.    Not sure if that qualifies as being some sort of LGBTQ+ pocket but we're here.  Not "Portland liberal," though.  I'm politically independent, one trans friend is a mild Democrat and the other is actually a MAGA Republican.  We're an odd mix.  Sometimes we go to the LGBTQ+ bar in the city nearby, but we don't fit 100%.  We're rural, and there's a rural/urban divide that is noticeable. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I have a thing about only wearing one layer.  I'd rather wear none, but its frowned on at the grocery store.   So if I'm wearing shorts...that's what I'm wearing.  If I was to wear panties...that would be what I'm wearing.  Which I have done back when I was in girl form (and I didn't enjoy girl form).  Boy form has the advantage of less expectations and less attention, I think.
    • Carolyn Marie
      https://abcnews.go.com/US/after-decades-fear-transgender-elders-celebrate-freedom-progress/story?id=110435380     I think there are an awful lot of folks on this website who identify closely, and happily, with the sentiments expressed by the folks featured in this article.  I suppose I'm one of 'em.    Carolyn Marie  
    • KayC
      I went to my first Pride event yesterday (Sunday) @FinnyFinsterHH.  I was dressed rather conservatively compared to some but what I noticed most is what @Carolyn Marie and @VickySGV said ... Everybody is there to celebrate our unique individuality and identity (and that covers a very wide spectrum) and nobody really cares what others look. It's about acceptance and celebration of ourselves and our Community.  Hope you have a Wonderful time! (I'm sure you will)
    • Carolyn Marie
      I echo what Vicky said.  Just be yourself and plan to have lots of fun.  Smile, enjoy the camaraderie, wear whatever you feel comfortable in, and like Vicky said, be sure to say Happy Pride!!  From personal experience, you won't have any trouble picking up freebie merch like Pride buttons, stickers, pins, etc, and more elaborate things that you'll have to shell out for.   Carolyn Marie
    • VickySGV
      You can go to these things as visible, or as invisible as you feel you are able to be.  Major rule, be ready for fun and acceptance, also be ready to see any type of diversity you can imagine.    My second event this year was actually a Pride Garden Party where one of the "contests" was to wear a garden party hat you had decorated and made to stand out.  Another Trans Person won the Activism award with a hat with Trans Pride colored long fringe on the back of their hat.  I just wore one of my normal hats with a blue, pink, and white hat band on it.  I had fun, but no prize.  There were other hats that had really been decorated and were really something to see.   Unless you are standing on a corner telling other people they are going to hell and are angering a deity, whatever you look like will be fine.  The idea is to be the real you as much as you can.  A sticky mailing label with your pronouns on it will do the job if you even want to bother with it, but I would have something that gives your name on it.  I wear a baseball cap with my first name on it to most events and being addressed by the name beats the heck out of "HEY YOU".  If some one makes a mistake either, don't let it bother you, or smile and let them know you preference and don't be afraid to just meet people.  There will probably be vendors at the Festival that will have shirts for the event or just for membership logos of the groups attending. (Bring some extra cash to buy merchandise  there and you will leave with enough to keep you in good shape until next year.)  One rule though is, know how to say "Happy Pride" and mean it, really mean it. You and the others are generally safe and happy.  
    • FinnyFinsterHH
      I am hopefully going to pride but dont really know what to wear despite doing some research. I know the basics about being comfortable and dont get sunburnt and stay hydrated but feel nervous about passing or people knowing my pronouns. Unfortunately i dont have pins or a flag making this harder, Is there any way to signal with body langauge or jewelry? Also is there any unspoken rule to follow so i know what not to do? I am planning cargo but think it will be too hot and online it mostly says bright or rainbow colors.     
    • Ivy
      I'll just do the commando thing sometimes.  I prefer longer skirts/dresses anyway.  Feels better in hot weather, and there's less laundry.
    • Ivy
      Most of my interaction with other trans folks is online, specifically here.  There are a few in my area (largely rural NC county) but the ones I'm aware of are mostly younger and in families.  I might see them occasionally at a monthly Pride meeting.   I do have a support group at the VA hospital (where I get my HRT) but it is an hour and a half drive up the mountain, and only twice a month.  That is in Asheville and there are more trans people up there.  In the last couple of months, some of the people in the group have invited me to stay up there after the meetings and go out to eat together.  That has really been nice.  There is something wonderful in being in the physical presence of other trans people closer to my own age.  And HUGS ! One time I asked one of them if I was likely to get in trouble using the bathroom in a restaurant where we were and they just told me, "This is Asheville."  (they know where I live) I've toyed with the idea of moving up there, but I couldn't afford it.
    • Sally Stone
      I have often wondered about my dreams.  I have never dreamt I was a girl but I have had lots of dreams about being dressed as a girl.  I'm not sure this was telling me anything profound.  Generally the situations I was in my dreams were stressful.  I haven't had dreams about dressing as a girl in a very long time, so perhaps since the anxiety that was associated with dressing female in real life is now mostly gone, so are the anxious dreams.
    • VickySGV
      I was looking for the short piece I had written very long ago by now that I shared at the beginning of this topic.  Yesterday afternoon I was at a Garden Party at the home of my Bishop who is the head of the Episcopal Diocese Of Los Angeles.  The party was to mark the beginning of Pride Month for  LGBTQ people and our families here in the L.A. area and as usual was a lot of good fun and companionship for the people from our 100+ Churches in the Diocese.  There was only one brief sermonette that included reference to one of our basics of belief, and that is that we respect the DIGNITY of EVERY human being.  Yes, Trans too deserve respect for our dignity.  Happy Pride month.
    • LittleSam
      I think it's disgusting that the Tories are using this as a last panicked attempt to gain power. They know there's alot of hate for trans people and it's seems they are using this to gain popularity and not let labour win. They are playing with people's lives and they don't care who they crush on their way to power. It makes me so mad. I really dislike rishi sunak and his values. Labour aren't perfect either, I understand they too are trying to stop trans women from being in single sex spaces. I'm ashamed of my country right now.
    • April Marie
      A blue/green/white floral popover, a light blue skirt and slip-ons. Picture is in my album in the gallery!
    • Mikayla2024
      LOVE IT!! 💯💯💯
    • Ivy
    • Lydia_R
      I'm 53yo as I write this.  I have been on a M->F transition journey for several years.  My last two female partners died in 2017 and in 2019 and I've been single since then living alone in my medium small sized house until 5 months ago.   For various reasons, mostly financial, I opened my house up to roommates even though my house is technically a one bedroom house.  Since then, I've had 3 Gen Z transwomen live with me off and on.  They have brought their transwomen friends over.  Last week I had a new transwoman friend over who is just a couple years younger than me and we had a good cuddle together.  I dated an older transwoman last year for 3 months.  I had another Gen Z transwoman over a couple weeks ago.  And there is a transman who has become a friend and has been over several times and might be by today.   You can go back to my first posts on this site and read about how concerned I was that transitioning would make me even more isolated than I had been.  And I have been very, very isolated for several decades.  But obviously quite the opposite has happened.  I don't know how representative of the larger world what I see in my house is.  I've played music with almost all of the people that have come through my house.  Most of them are excellent musicians and playing a style on acoustic instruments that is a new sound for me to listen to.   It certainly hasn't been perfect either.  For various reasons, the living arrangement here has been a struggle.  Finances have been a problem for all of us.  I think every last one of us has lived in cars for extended periods of time.  Anyway.  I'm in reflection mode closing this scene down.  Last week was frantic with packing, inventory and cleaning.  I'm mostly in relaxation mode now.  It's 11:07am.  I just finished lunch and I'm a little sleepy.  I've only been sleeping 4 hours a night for the last 3 months because of a crazy unpaid work situation I've been in, so perhaps I'll treat myself to a nap and try to get back to a healthier sleep schedule.  It's been a whirlwind of activity this year and much of that is going to continue on for me.   I feel blessed to have the virtual community on TGP and this physical community in my home.  I wasn't quite expecting this aspect of transition.  I think the first thing my last GT said to me was "you should find some transgender community online."  The first 2 GT I had didn't work well for me and I dumped them pretty quickly, but my last one did great with me.  She always pointed out that I was pretty well adjusted.  It's not like this transgender experience needs to be some mental crisis or medical problem.  I haven't seen my GT in probably 7 months now mostly because of financial problems, but I'm doing fine with it all.  She did a really good job guiding me through this journey.   Just so you know, I tend to not ask questions much unless someone is saying something that I am interested in and have an idea for clarification.  I tend to just spill my guts about things and think that others do that as well without being asked questions.  So....   What has your experience been like meeting other transgender people?  What does the community feel like in your environment?  Is this just crazy liberal Portland stuff or are there pockets of this all over the place?   Hugs, Lydia
    • Ivy
      I think I do live in the moment - perhaps too much sometimes.     As for the demons…
    • Ivy
    • Ivy
      It certainly can be.  But it doesn't have to be.   The sports always come up, it's kinda the gateway.  And yeah, it's not simple.  I think there is no blanket solution for that one.   I also think there is no blanket solution for HRT.  As such it should be left up to the individuals involved.  I don't think puberty blockers, and hormones should be given out like candy - especially to kids.  However, with counseling, and the involvement of the parents and doctors, the state should stay out of it.  For a trans person there is an advantage to starting fairly young.  I wish I could have.   The idea that the human race will die out if we let people transition is ludicrous.  Cis people have no desire to transition and I expect there will still be plenty of people with the urge to [procreate] to keep things going.    Trans people may be more visible these days, but trans people have always existed.  And the last I looked, there are still enough people around to screw things up.
    • Mmindy
      Good afternoon everyone,    While I’m here late today, my morning was filled with tasks. I hope your Monday is going well and you have a wonderful week.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
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